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Water Snakes


Water Snake

The head of water snakes is narrow and pointed, in contrast to the broad, triangular head of Burmese pythons.

Brown water snakes are light tan with darker brown squares on the back, giving a checkerboard appearance (as opposed to the puzzle piece appearance of Burmese pythons).  The belly is light colored with darker blotches and half moon shapes.  Brown water snakes can grow to 4.5 feet in length and are found throughout the state except for the Keys.

Banded water snakes are heavy-bodied snakes that can grow 2-4 feet in length.  They have dark brown or black crossbands down the back that alternate with lighter tan or reddish crossbands.  The belly is yellow with worm-like black or red markings and a dark line runs diagonally through the eye.

Florida green water snakes are stout snakes that can grow 3-4.5 feet in length.  They can be tan, greenish, or orangish with no distinctive markings except some speckling down the back.  Florida green water snakes can vary from light to very dark in color.



Water snakes are harmless, nonvenomous native snakes that typically inhabit wet areas.  There are several species of water snake common to peninsular Florida.

Banded water snakes inhabit nearly all freshwater habitats throughout Florida except the Keys.

Florida green water snakes are found throughout Florida except the Keys and typically inhabit calm waters of lakes, prairies, marshes, ponds, estuaries, and slow-flowing canals.

Brown water snakes are good climbers and often bask on tree limbs.

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Living with Snakes