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A close up of peacock's face with tail feather display visible

Nonnative fowl species including domesticated chickens, peafowl, and guinea fowl have become established in municipalities across the state by escaping from properties or by being released. Unfortunately, they can exhibit nuisance behaviors when their numbers multiply or when they are being fed by people. To prevent potential impacts to Florida’s native wildlife and habitats, the release of nonnative wildlife is prohibited in Florida.

Permission from the FWC is not needed for homeowner’s associations (HOA) or private landowners to take possession or remove non-native domesticated fowl including chickens, guinea fowl, or peafowl on their properties. Regulations on possession and removal of domestic fowl fall to the individual counties, cities, or towns. Please call your county animal services provider or your local law enforcement to learn more about your legal options.

If the landowner or HOA is seeking removal and there is no local ordinance or regulation prohibiting it, the property owner may remove the birds themselves or hire a third party to do that work for them. If needed, the FWC maintains a list of Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators. 

If removal is not feasible or legally allowed by local ordinance, there are several ways to deter feral birds from lingering on your property or in your community.

Discourage peafowl, chickens, or other domestic birds from your yard by using these tips:

  • Secure all attractants such human related food sources, (pet food, garbage, bird seed, fallen fruit, etc.).
  • Haze by yelling, deploying air horns, banging pots and pans, or shaking aluminum cans filled with stones, or coins. Spraying the bird with a water hose, without harming them, can also encourage them to leave an area.
  • Install motion activated deterrents in your yard —alarms or sprinklers work well.
  • Add “bird spikes” or electrical track to branches or fences where birds may perch to discourage them from roosting.
  • Reduce tree cover to expose their roosting sites, making them less attractive.
  • Reduce thick vegetation where peafowl may seek shelter or make nests
  • Trim limbs where peafowl are roosting.

Prevent damage from domestic fowl:

  • If birds are striking at windows, it is the reflective surface that disturbs them, as they see their reflection and may think it is another bird. Cover or rub a bar of soap on the surfaces to reduce the reflection. You can also install a barrier with screen or netting to prevent access to windows.
  • If birds are damaging vehicles, a cover is recommended.

Feral chickens in a suburban neighborhood