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Other Wildlife

White-Nose Syndrome
White Nose Syndrome (WNS) is named for a white fungus that grows on the muzzles, ears and wings of hibernating bats in the eastern part of the United States and Canada. More than five million bats with WNS have died since it was first found in 2006. Please report any sick or dying bats.

Bat Mortality Reporting
Please report a sick or dying bat.

Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae)
Cyanobacteria can cause unsightly blooms; cause taste and odor problems in public water supplies and can kill domestic animals, pets, and fish and wildlife that drink or are otherwise exposed to untreated contaminated water or toxic biota.

Fish Consumption Advisories
For the most part, Florida's freshwater fishes are considered safe to eat, but one should be mindful of any health advisories for fish in certain areas.

The most common mode of rabies viral transmission is through the bite of an infected animal.

Raccoon Roundworm
Raccoon roundworm is a parasite that can impact wildlife and humans.  The parasite was recently discovered in Florida and FWC is currently testing raccoons to determine how widespread the parasite is in Florida.

Upper Respiratory Tract Disease (URTD)
Upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) in gopher tortoises is caused by Mycoplasma bacteria. This disease is not transmittable to humans, but humans can potentially spread URTD by picking up an infected tortoise and moving it away from its home area into a different tortoise population.