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Telemetry Publications


Title: Assessing reproductive behavior important to fisheries management: a case study with red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus
Authors: Lowerre-Barbieri, S. K., Walters Burnsed, S.L., Burnsed, Bickford, J. W.
Year: 2016
Source: Ecological Applications, 26(4), 2016, pp. 979–995. The Ecological Society of America. 
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Title: An investigation into the habitat, behavior and opportunistic feeding strategies of the protected Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara)
Author: Collins, Angela
Year: 2014
Source: Graduate theses and dissertations, University of South Florida
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Title: Spawning Site Selection and Contingent Behavior in Common Snook, Centropomus undecimalis
Authors: Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K.; Villegas-Ríos, D.; Walters, S.; Bickford, J.; 
Cooper, W., et al
Year: 2014
Source: PLoS ONE 9(7): e101809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101809
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Title: Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) research and outreach: an interdisciplinary collaborative program
Authors: Poulakis, G. R., P. W. Stevens, R. D. Grubbs, D. D. Chapman, J. Gelsleichter, G. H. Burgess, T. R. Wiley, J. A. Olin, L. D. Hollensead, A. T. Fisk, D. A. Blewett, R. M. Scharer, H. J. Grier, J. A. DeAngelo, J. M. Darrow, Y. Papastamatiou, and M. D. Bakenhaster
Year: 2014
Source: Final Report to the National Marine Fisheries Service for Award NA10NMF4720032. FWRI File-code F2858-10-14-F. 214 pp
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Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of spawning aggregations of common snook on the east coast of Florida
Authors: Young, J. M., Yeiser, B. G., Whittington, J. A.
Year: 2014
Source: Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 505: 227–240, 2014. doi: 10.3354/meps10774
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Title: Characterizing daily movements, nomadic movements, and reproductive migrations of Panulirus argus around the Western Sambo Ecological Reserve
(Florida, USA) using acoustic telemetry
Authors: Bertelsen, R.D.
Year: 2013
Source: Fisheries Research 144, p. 91-102

Title: Site fidelity and reproductive timing at a spotted seatrout spawning aggregation site: individual versus population scale behavior
Authors: Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K.; Walters, S.; Bickford, J.; Cooper, W.; Muller, R.
Year: 2013 
Source: Marine Ecology Progress Series 481:181-197
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Title: Movements of juvenile endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in an estuarine river system: use of non-main-stem river habitats and lagged responses to freshwater inflow-related changes
Authors: Poulakis, G. R., P. W. Stevens, A. A. Timmers, C. J. Stafford, and C. A. Simpfendorfer
Year: 2013
Source: Environmental Biology of Fishes 96(6):763-778. doi:10.1007/s10641-012-0070-x
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Title: Home range, habitat-use, and migrations of hawksbill turtles tracked from Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA. 
Authors: Hart KM, Sartain AR, Fujisaki I, Pratt Jr HL, Morley D, Feeley MW
Year: 2012
Source: Marine Ecological Progress Series 457: 193-207.

Title: Distribution, habitat use, and movements of juvenile smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system, Florida
Author: Poulakis, G. R. 
Year: 2012
Source: Dissertation, Florida Institute of Technology

Title: Migrations of Common Snook from a Tidal River with Implications for Skipped Spawning
Authors: Trotter, A.A., D.A. Blewett, R.G. Taylor, and P.W. Stevens
Year: 2012
Source: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1016-1025
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Title: Implementing the Dry Tortugas National Park Research Natural Area Science Plan: The 5-Year Report*
Authors: Ziegler, T. A. and Hunt, J.
Year: 2012
Source: South Florida Natural Resources Center, Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks, Homestead, FL, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL. 63 pp.
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*Note: Relevant telemetry chapters are “RNA Performance Topic 2  Chapter 3: Regional connectivity of fishes within the Tortugas region of Florida” pp 18-23 and “RNA Performance Topic 2  Chapter 4: Spillover of select reef fish species in and near the Dry Tortugas National Park Research Area” pp 24-27


Title: Abiotic affinities and spatiotemporal distribution of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in a south-western Florida nursery
Authors: Poulakis, G. R., P. W. Stevens, A. A. Timmers, T. R. Wiley, and C. A. Simpfendorfer
Year: 2011
Source: Marine and Freshwater Research 62:1165-1177. doi: 10.1071/MF11008
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Title: Movement Patterns of Adult Red Drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in shallow Florida lagoons as inferred through autonomous acoustic telemetry
Authors: Reyier, E.A.; Lowers, R.H.; Scheidt, D.M.; Adams, D.H.
Year: 2011
Source: Environmental Biology of Fishes, v. 90 no. 4, p. 343-360
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Title: Environmental influences on the spatial ecology of juvenile smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata): results from acoustic monitoring
Authors: Simpfendorfer, C. A., B. G. Yeiser, T. R. Wiley, G. R. Poulakis, P. W. Stevens, and M. R. Heupel
Year: 2011
Source: PLoS ONE 6:e16918. doi: 10.1371/journal/pone.0016918
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Title: Interactions between translocated and native queen conch Strombus gigas: evaluating a restoration strategy
Authors: Delgado, G.A., Glazer, R.A.
Year: 2007
Source: Endang Species Res 3: 259–266 
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Title: Designing marine fishery reserves using passive acoustic telemetry
Authors: Glazer, R.A., Delgado, G.A.
Year: 2006
Source: Pp. 26-37 in: Emerging technologies for reef fisheries research and management, J.C. Taylor (ed.), p.26-37. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 5.
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Title: A model for decoupling emigration from mortality in recapture surveys of slow-moving benthic marine gastropods
Authors: Glazer, R. A.
Year: 2005
Source: Journal of Shellfish Research 24(2):387-392
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Title: Translocation as a strategy to rehabilitate the queen conch (Strombus gigas) population in the Florida Keys
Authors: Delgado, G.A., Bartels, C.T., Glazer, R.A.
Year: 2004
Source: Fish. Bull. 102:278–288
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Title: Habitat associations of adult queen conch (Strombus gigas L.) in an unfished Florida Keys back reef: applications to essential fish habitat
Authors: Glazer, R.A., Kidney, J.A.
Year: 2004
Source: Bulletin of Marine Science, 2004, v.75 no.2, p.205-224
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Title: Estimating queen conch (Stombus gigas) home ranges using acoustic telemetry: Implications for the design of marine fishery reserves
Authors: Glazer, R.A.; Delgado, G.A.; Kidney, J.A.
Year: 2003
Source: Gulf and Caribbean Research Vol. 14(2), 79–89
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