Status and Trends
FWRI collects catch-and-effort data and provides information to those assessing the effects that current and proposed management regulations have or might have on fish stocks, fishing practices, and fishers. The Status and Trends Report for Florida's Inshore and Nearshore Species provides trend analyses for all species groups and individual species accounts for selected finfish and shellfish.
Florida's Inshore and Nearshore Species: 2023 Status and Trends Full Report
2023 Status and Trends Report
This is the twenty-eighth year that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Stock Assessment Group has produced the Status and Trends Report. This year’s report summarizes the available 1992-2022 commercial landing, 1982-2022 recreational landings, fishing effort, fishery catch rates, and the 1997-2022 fisheries-independent sampling effort, and young-of-the-year and post-young-of-the-year abundance indices for 87 species or groups. The condition of these species or groups was determined using information from recent stock assessments, when available. Otherwise, the condition was assessed using available commercial landings rates, recreational total-catch rates, and fishery independent abundance indices. The status determination and supporting trend-analyses reported here are designed to highlight potential areas of concern about recent substantial changes in Florida’s diverse marine fisheries.

Species Accounts
Species accounts provide a summary of biology and fishery information for a particular species. The accounts provide life history information, statewide landings, trends in catch rates, and results of recent stock assessments.

Literature Cited and Appendix A
The table in Appendix A summarizes the catch rate summaries for the Atlantic and gulf coasts of Florida for finfish and invertebrates landed over the last ten years.
The table looks at each species and contains information about its catch rates summarized by source of data (commercial, recreational, fishery independent), coast (Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico), category (finfish, invertebrate, or ornamental marine life), commercial trips, pounds landed, recreational interviews, estimated number of angler trips, number of fish landed, number per hour, number of research samples, the proportion of sampling trips that caught the particular species, and the significance levels for each source of data.