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Stingrays: Roughtail Stingray

Bathytoshia centroura


Color dark brown to olive brown dorsally and whitish ventrally. Disc broad but less angular than the southern stingray. The snout is moderately long and angular with an obtuse tip. Several rows of denticles/thorns on the tail (hence the name 'roughtail'). Large venomous spine(s) near base of long whip like tail (1-4 spines, some 8-10" long in larger fish). Long ventral fin fold on tail but much lower than in southern stingray, dark brown to black in color. Dorsal fin fold on tail absent.

Habitat and Behavior
Dwells in muddy and sandy substrate. Inhabits coastal waters including ocean beaches, and some bays, and estuaries. It can be found at depths over 600 feet.

Benthic feeder. Feeds on bottom-living invertebrates and fishes.

Aplacental viviparity. Two to four pups per litter.

Largest whiptail stingray species in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Wingspan of up to 7.25 feet and up to 660 pounds.

Human Factors
Non-aggressive species of little danger to humans except for their defensive venomous barb located near the base of the tail. Avoid handling or exercise extreme caution. Do the "Stingray Shuffle" to reduce the chance of stepping on these rays and risking possible injury from their spine.