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Manta Rays: Devil Ray

Mobula hypostoma


Similar in body shape to giant manta rays, but smaller in size. Dark black above, white below. Pectoral fins ("wings") long and pointed. Two large cephalic fins (rostra) protruding from front of head. Mouth small, sub-terminal. Tail whip-like, as long as the length of body and without a spine.

Habitat and Behavior
Pelagic, occurs in shallow coastal waters and some bays, as well as open ocean waters. Known to swim in schools, but are sometimes solitary swimmers. This species can swim at high speeds which allows it to breach and leap high above the water surface.

Feeds mainly on planktonic crustaceans but may consume small schooling fishes.

Aplacental viviparity. Usually 1 pup per litter.

Wingspan up to 4 feet.

Human Factors
Protected in Florida state waters. Of little danger to humans.