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Reproductive Terminology

An emerging issue in applied fisheries reproductive biology is the need for common terminology. Many of the terms used to describe reproductive concepts and developmental stages are often inconsistent and specific to a study, species or region. This makes communication and comparative analyses difficult for researchers. In an effort to address the need for a common vocabulary, a group of biologists developed a list of commonly used reproductive terms and definitions (Lowerre-Barbieri et al. 2011) and standardized terms to describe reproductive development (Access publication: Brown-Peterson et al. 2011). 

Reproductive Terms and Definitions


Development and growth of oocytes, from oogonia through maturation. Stages of oogenesis: oogonia (Oo); primary growth (PG); cortical alveolar (CA); vitellogenic (Vtg), also known as yolked (Yo); and oocyte maturation (OM).


Kjesbu 2009
Wallace and Selman 1981
Patiño and Sullivan 2002
Hunter and Macewicz 1985


Morphological and physiological changes during development of male germ cells. Stages of spermatogenesis: spermatogonia (Sg), spermatocytes (Sc), spermatids (St) and spermatozoa (Sz). 


Grier and Uribe-Aranzábal 2009
Nagahama 1983


Gonadotropin-independent growth of oocytes, characterized by basophilic staining. Stages include: single nucleolus, multiple nucleoli and perinucleolar.


Wallace and Selman 1981


Gonadotropin-dependent growth of oocytes. Stages include: cortical alveolar (CA) and vitellogenic (Vtg). Vtg is often divided into three substages: primary vitellogenic (Vtg1), secondary vitellogenic (Vtg2) and tertiary vitellogenic (Vtg3).


Luckenbach et al. 2008
Abascal and Medina 2005
Matsuyama et al 1990


Resumption of meiosis and achievement of oocyte maturational competence, ending in ovulation. OM includes two nuclear events: germinal vesicle migration (GVM) and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). In some species, OM may also include: formation of large oil droplets, known as lipid coalescence (LC); yolk coalescence (YC); and hydration (H).


Grier et al. 2009
Jalabert 2005


Phases of gonadal development occurring in all fishes prior to, during and after spawning. Phases are defined as: immature (Imm); developing (Dev); spawning capable (SC), which includes the spawning (S) subphase; regressing (Rgs); and regenerating (Rgn).


Brown-Peterson et al. this 2011


Recruitment of oocytes from primary growth to secondary growth occurs prior to an individual’s spawning period.


Hunter et al. 1992

Murua and Saborido-Rey 2003


Recruitment of oocytes from primary growth to secondary growth continues throughout an individual’s spawning period.


Hunter et al. 1992

Murua and Saborido-Rey 2003


Females capable of ovulating and spawning multiple batches of oocytes during the individual spawning period. Batch spawners can have determinate or indeterminate fecundity.


Murua and Saborido-Rey 2003


Females ovulate and spawn all developing oocytes in a single event or within a very short time period as part of a single episode.


Murua and Saborido-Rey 2003


Sexually mature fish that fail to spawn during a reproductive season. Failure to spawn can be recognized by a lack of ovarian development (vitellogenesis) or by massive atresia prior to the spawning period.


Rideout et al. 2005


Synonymous with sexual maturity in both males and females, which is attained once in a lifetime.


Rideout et al. 2005

From Lowerre-Barbieri et al. 2011