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Field Work Inspires Manatee Photo-identification Interns

By joining the photo-identification team, you will gain countless skills important in the field of wildlife research as you observe and photograph manatees, collect behavioral and environmental data, and assist with lab-based photo-identification tasks.

Current Internship Opportunities

Manatee Photo-ID Internship Information

What past interns say about the program:

A girl with blond hair is holding a clipboard and standing on a platform overlooking a body of water where manatees are swimming.

“I felt like I was included in the everyday work that is involved in this career. I was always busy and included in many tasks and got involved in numerous field work opportunities.”

Caroline Schie
Winter 2023-2024

A woman wearing glasses and a life jacket sits on the edge of a boat. A manatee is visible at the surface in the water behind her.

“The thing I liked most about the program was that I got to be involved with several projects. I was not pigeonholed into only dealing with my photos. There were a variety of things I had the chance to help with, instead of spending all my time only looking for matches.”

Maggie McGuire
Winter 2022-2023

Girl standing on a boat holding a camera and smiling

“I truly loved how independent this internship was. Being able to go out into the field by myself gave me a newfound sense of confidence, and really instilled that I want to pursue/dedicate my time to this agency.”

Rachael Nelson
Summer 2019

Girl smiling while driving boat

“The amount of experience I gained is what I liked most about this program; I was presented with a lot of opportunities that expanded my knowledge.”

Briana Coulter
Winter 2018-2019

Girl holding clipboard

“What I liked most, besides being able to see manatees in their natural habitat, was being able to work independently.”

Joni Westmoreland
Summer 2018

girl on boat with trap

“I really like the ability to work independently and as a group and I think this program provided a good mix of both. I really enjoyed the program.”

Taylor Joy
Winter 2017-2018

girl on boat

“I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone looking to gain valuable research experience in an extremely organized program.”

Emma Jones
Summer 2017

man with camera

“All of the staff I worked with, including Marine Mammal Pathobiology Lab staff, were always welcoming and friendly, easily approachable, willing to answer any questions I had, and just fun to work with.”

Erik Rohrkaste
Winter 2016-2017

girl with clipboard

 “It was a great experience to be involved in actual efforts supporting research and conservation. It immerses you in the data collection aspect of research and provides valuable experience.”

Elizabeth Horner
Summer 2016

girl with clipboard

"I cannot emphasize enough how exciting and unique it was during an internship to be integrated directly into a research team instead of feeling like an accessory. I would absolutely recommend this internship to others. It was an amazing experience and I feel that I have become a better researcher from the skills and experiences that I have acquired here.  After leaving this internship, I feel motivated and encouraged for my future as a researcher.” 

Shelby Yahn
Winter 2015-2016

girl with clipboard

"I learned a lot and added quite a few skills to my repertoire. In addition, I got to meet and work with some very wonderful and knowledgeable staff members that are experts in their field. Oh, and getting to look at manatees all day long was just an added bonus!"

Sara Wappes 
Summer 2015