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Marine Mammal Publications

Publication List for the Marine Mammal Subsection

Roberts JJ, Yack TM, Fujioka E, Halpin PN and others (2024) North Atlantic right whale density surface model for the US Atlantic evaluated with passive acoustic monitoring. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 732:167-192.

Cagle LA, Stacy NI, Harvey JW, de Wit M, Adler L, Walsh M, Bonde R and Stokol T. 2023. Cytochemical staining of leukocytes and platelets in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris): identification of a bilobed monocyte similar to other members of the Paenungulata. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1149000. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1149000.

Crum, NJ, Gowan, TA, Ramachandran, KM. 2023. Forecasting wildlife movement with spatial capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 2844–2855.

Ewing RY, Sutton MN, Herring HM, Schubert MR, Boyd DM, Richardson JL, Rotstein DS. 2023. Standardizing gross descriptions of skin lesions in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) stranded in Southwest Florida, 2015–2019. Front Mar Sci. 10:1269075. 

Gowan TA, Edwards HH, Krzystan AM, Martin J, Hostetler JA. 2023. 2021-2022 statewide abundance estimates for the Florida manatee. St. Petersburg (FL): Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. Technical Report No. 27.

Neyman, LN, Crum, NJ, Adams, JD, Patterson, EM, Good, CP. 2023. Mariner cooperation with recommended lanes in two critical habitats of the North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis. Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Technical Report TR–24.

Deutsch CJ, Castelblanco-Martínez DM, Groom R, and Cleguer C. 2022.  Movement behavior of manatees and dugongs:  I. Environmental challenges drive diversity in migratory patterns and other large-scale movements.  Pp. 155-231 in: H. Marsh (ed.), Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sirenia. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Deutsch CJ, Castelblanco-Martínez DM, Cleguer C, and Groom R. 2022. Movement behavior of manatees and dugongs:  II. Small-scale movements reflect adaptations to dynamic aquatic environments.  Pp. 233-298 in: H. Marsh (ed.), Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sirenia. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Hamilton PK, Frasier BA, Conger LA, George RC, Jackson KA, Frasier TR. 2022. Genetic identifications challenge our assumptions of physical development and mother–calf associations and separation times: a case study of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis).  Mamm Biol.

Keith-Diagne LW, Barlas ME, Reid JP, Hodgson AJ, and Marsh H. 2022. Diving and Foraging Behaviors. Pp. 67-100 in: H. Marsh (ed.), Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sirenia. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Marsh H, Albouy C, Arraut E, Castelblanco-Martínez DN, Edwards H, et al. 2022. How might climate change affect the ethology and behavioral ecology of dugongs and manatees? Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals. Springer Cham. p. 351–406.

Landsberg JH, Tabuchi M, Rotstein DS, Subramaniam K, Rodrigues TCS, Waltzek TB, Stacy NI, Wilson PW, Kiryu Y, Uzal FA, de Wit M. 2022. Novel Lethal Clostridial Infection in Florida Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris): Cause of the 2013 Unusual Mortality Event in the Indian River Lagoon. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9: 841857.

Rotstein DS, Stacy NI, Kinsel MJ, de Wit M. 2022. Disseminated histiocytic sarcoma in two free-living Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 58(3): 685-688.

Castelblanco-Martinez DN, Alvarez-Aleman A, Torres R, Teague AL, Barton SL, Rood KA, Ramos EA, Mignucci-Giannoni AA. 2021. First documentation of long-distance travel by a Florida manatee to the Mexican Caribbean. Ethology Ecology & Evolution.

Crum, N. J., L. C. Neyman, and T. A. Gowan. 2021. Abundance estimation for line transect sampling: A comparison of distance sampling and spatial capture-recapture models. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0252231.

Deutsch, C. J., M. de Wit, M. E. Barlas, W. Greer, A. R. Howell, A. Garrett, and L. I. Ward-Geiger.  2021.  Unprecedented mortality of Florida manatees along the Atlantic coast.  Sirenews 73: 24-26.

Edwards, H. H., J. A. Hostetler, B. M. Stith, and J. Martin.  2021.  Monitoring abundance of aggregated animals (Florida manatees) using an unmanned aerial system (UAS).  Sci Rep 11: 12920.

Gowan, T. A., M. D. Tringali, J. A. Hostetler, J. Martin, L. I. Ward-Geiger, and J. M. Johnson. 2021. A hidden Markov model for estimating age-specific survival when age and size are uncertain. Ecology 102(8): e03426.

Gowan, T. A., N. J. Crum, and J. J. Roberts. 2021. An open spatial capture-recapture model to estimate density, movement, and population dynamics from line-transect surveys. Ecology and Evolution 11: 7354-7365.

Greenfield M, Jablonski T, Panike A, Rotstein DS, St Leger J, Durden WN. 2021. Fatal Blowhole Obstruction by Eel in Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Florida, USA. J Wildl Dis.; 57(4):959-963.

Hostetler, J.A., Martin, J., Kosempa, M., Edwards, H.H, Rood, K.A., Barton, S.L., Runge, M.C. Reconstructing population dynamics of a threatened marine mammal using multiple data sets. Sci Rep 11, 2702 (2021). Access Publication

Lonati, G. L., A. R. Howell, P. Schueller, and C. J. Deutsch.  2021.  Using tetracycline to evaluate age estimation in a long-lived aquatic mammal.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(2): 340–350.

McHugh K A, Barleycorn AA, Allen JB, Bassos-Hull K, Lovewell G, Boyd D, Panike A, Cush C, Fauquier D, Mase B, Lacy RC, Greenfield MR, Rubenstein DI, Weaver A, Stone A, Oliver L, Morse K and Wells RS. 2021. Staying Alive: Long-term success of bottlenose dolphin interventions in southwest Florida. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Weisbrod TC, de Wit M, Hernandez JA, Panike AL, Rotstein D, Stacy NI. 2021. Manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris calf mortality in Florida: a retrospective review of pathology date from 2009-2017. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 147: 111-126.

Bassett BL, Hostetler JA, Leone E, Shea CP, Barbeau BD, Lonati, Panike AL, Honaker A, Ward-Geiger LI  (2020) Quantifying sublethal Florida manatee–watercraft interactions by examining scars on manatee carcasses. Endang Species Res 43:395-408. 

Access Publication

Mazzoil M, Gibson Q, Durden WN, Borkowski R, Biedenbach G, McKenna Z, Gordon N, Brightwell K, Denny M, Howells E, Jakush J, Moreland L, Perna A, Pinto G, Caldwell M. 2020. Spatiotemporal movements of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus truncatus) in Northeast Florida, USA. Aquatic Mammals 46(3):285–300.

Access Publication

Montes, N. L., R. Swett, and T. A. Gowan. 2020. Risk of encounters between North Atlantic right whales and recreational vessel traffic in the southeastern United States. Ecology and Society 25(4): 12.

Crum N, Gowan T, Krzystan A, Martin J. 2019. Quantifying risk of whale–vessel collisions across space, time, and management policies. Ecosphere. 10(4):e02713. Access Publication

Gowan TA, Ortega-Ortiz JG, Hostetler JA, Hamilton PK, Knowlton AR, Jackson KA, George RC, Taylor CR, Naessig PJ. 2019. Temporal and demographic variation in partial migration of the North Atlantic right whale. Sci Rep. 9(1). Access Publication

Hardy SK, Deutsch CJ, Cross TA, de Wit M, Hostetler JA. 2019. Cold-related Florida manatee mortality in relation to air and water temperatures. PLoS One. 14(11):e0225048.
Open Access

Harvey JW, Harr KE, Murphy D, Walsh MT, de Wit M, Deutsch CJ, Bonde RK. 2019. Serum iron analytes in healthy and diseased Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). J Comp Pathol. 173:58–70.
Order Publication

Lonati GL, Howell AR, Hostetler JA, Schueller P, de Wit M, Bassett BL, Deutsch CJ, Ward-Geiger LI. 2019. Accuracy, precision, and error in age estimation of Florida manatee​s using growth layer groups in earbones. J Mammal. 100(4):1350-1363. Open Access

Martony M, Hernandez JA, de Wit M, St Leger J, Erlacher-Reid C, Vandenberg J, Stacy NI. 2019. Clinicopathological prognostic indicators of survival and pathological findings in cold-stressed Florida manatees Trichechus manatus latirostris. Dis Aquat Org. 132(2):85–97. Access Publication

Sharp SM, McLellan WA, Rotstein DS, Costidis AM, Barco SG, Durham K, Pitchford TD, Jackson KA, Daoust PY, Wimmer T, Couture EL, Bourque L, Frasier T, Frasier B, Fauquier D, Rowles TK, Hamilton PK, Pettis H, Moore MJ. 2019. Gross and histopathologic diagnoses from North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis mortalities between 2003 and 2018. Dis Aquat Organ. 135(1):1-31. Open Access.

Udell BJ, Martin J, Fletcher Jr. RJ, Bonneau M, Edwards HH, Gowan TA, Hardy SK, Gurarie E, Calleson CS, Deutsch CJ. 2019. Integrating encounter theory with decision analysis to evaluate collision risk and determine optimal protection zones for wildlife. J Appl Ecol. 56(5):1050-1062. Access Publication

Harvey JW, Harr KE, Murphy D, Walsh MT, de Wit M, Deutsch CJ, Bonde RK. 2018. Serum proteins in healthy and diseased Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Comp Clin Path. 27(6):1707–1716. Access Publication

Hostetler, Jeffrey A., Edwards, Holly H., Martin, Julien, and Schueller, Paul. 2018. Updated Statewide Abundance Estimates for the Florida Manatee. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Technical Report No. 23. Access Publication

Krzystan AM, Gowan TA, Kendall WL, Martin J, Ortega-Ortiz JG, Jackson K, Knowlton AR, Naessig P, Zani M, Schulte DW, Taylor CR. 2018. Characterizing residence patterns of North Atlantic right whales in the southeastern USA with a multistate open robust design model. Endang Species Res. 36:279–295. Access Publication

Rycyk AM, Deutsch CJ, Barlas ME, Hardy SK, Frisch K, Leone EH, Nowacek DP. 2018. Manatee behavioral response to boats. Mar Mamm Sci. 34(4):924–962. Access Publication

Hill A.N., Karniski C, Robbins J, Pitchford T, Todd S, Asmutis-Silvia R. 2017. Vessel collision injuries on live humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the southern Gulf of Maine. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 33(2):558-573. DOI:10.7289/V5/TM-NMFS-SER-4

Martin J, Runge MC, Flewelling LJ, Deutsch CJ, Landsberg JH. 2017. An expert elicitation process to project the frequency and magnitude of Florida manatee mortality events caused by red tide (Karenia brevis).  U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1132, 17 p. Access Publication

Reinert, T. R., A. C. Spellman, B.L. Bassett. 2017. Entanglement in and ingestion of fishing gear and other marine debris by Florida Manatees, 1993 to 2012. Endang Species Res 32: 415-427. Access Publication

Runge, M. C., C. A. Sanders-Reed, C. A. Langtimm, J. A. Hostetler, J. Martin, C. J. Deutsch, L. I. Ward-Geiger, and G. L. Mahon.  2017.  Status and threats analysis for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), 2016.  U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2017–5030.  40 p. Access Publication

Surrey-Marsden C, Howe K, White M, George C, Gowan T, Hamilton P, Jackson K, Jakush J, Pitchford T, Taylor C, Ward L, Zoodsma B. 2017. North Atlantic right whale calving area surveys: 2015/2016 results. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SER-6, 13 p. Access Publication


Adimey, N.M., M. Ross, M. Hall, J.P. Reid, M.E. Barlas, L.W. Keith Diagne and R.K. Bonde. Twenty-six years of post-release monitoring of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris): evaluation of a cooperative rehabilitation program. Aquatic Mammals 42(3):376-391. DOI 10.1578/AM42.3.2016.376

Deutsch, C. J. and M. E. Barlas.  2016.  Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winters 2010-11 through 2014-15.  Final Report to Florida Power & Light Company.  FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-15-F. 113 pp. + appendices. Access publication

Edwards, H.H., and B.B. Ackerman, eds. 2016. Aerial surveys of manatee distribution in Florida, 1984-2004. Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Technical Report TR-1

Edwards, Holly H., Julien Martin, Charles J. Deutsch, Rorbert G. Muller, Stacie M. Koslovsky, Alexander J. Smith, and Margaret E. Barlas. 2016. Influence of manatees’ diving on their risk of collision with watercraft. PLoS ONE 11(4):e0151450.
Access publication

Harshaw, L. T., I. V. Larkin, R. K. Bonde, C. J. Deutsch, and R. C. Hill.  2016.  Morphometric body condition indices of wild Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris).  Aquatic Mammals 42(4): 428-439. doi:10.1578/AM.42.4.2016.428.
Access Publication

Nicholas A. Farmer, Timothy A. Gowan, Jessica R. Powell & Barbara J. Zoodsma. 2016. Evaluation of Alternatives to Winter Closure of Black Sea Bass Pot Gear: Projected Impacts on Catch and Risk of Entanglement with North Atlantic Right Whales Eubalaena glacialis. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 8(1): 202-221.

Martin, J., Q. Sabatier, T. A. Gowan, C. Giraud, E. Gurarie, C. S. Calleson, J. G. Ortega-Ortiz, C. J. Deutsch, A. Rycyk, and S. M. Koslovsky.  2016.  A quantitative framework for estimating risk of collision between marine wildlife and boats.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:42–50. Access Publication

Smith, L. N., T. B. Waltzek, D. S. Rotstein, R. Francis-Floyd, M. T. Walsh, J. F.X. Wellehan, R. Gerhold, A. E. Chapman, M. de Wit. 2016. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 122: 77-83. DOI: 10.3354/dao03055.

Zoodsma, B., K. Howe, M. White, J. Jakush, C. George, T. Gowan, P. Hamilton, K, Jackson, T. Pitchford, C. Taylor, and L. Ward. 2016. North Atlantic Right Whale Calving Area Surveys: 2014/2015 Results. U.S. Dept. of Commer., NOAA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SERO-2016-001, 10 p. DIO: Access Publication

Deutsch, C. J. and M. E. Barlas.  2015.  Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winter 2014-2015.  Annual Report to Florida Power & Light Company.  FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-A5. 76 pp.

Deutsch, C. J., S. M. Koslovsky, and T. A. Cross.  2015.  Manatee warm-water refugia and mortality.  Final Report to the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, through the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida.  Grant No. WFF-12-01 (FWRI Grant No. 4094).  FWC/FWRI file F4094‐12-15‐F.  30 pp.

Fire, Spencer E., Leanne J. Flewelling, Megan Stolen, Wendy Noke Durden, Martine de Wit, Ann C. Spellman, and Zhihong Wang. 2015. Brevetoxin-associated mass mortality event of bottlenose dolphins and manatees along the east coast of Florida, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 526:241-251. Access publication

Gerlach, T.  J., A. H. Estrada, I. S. Sosa, M. Powell, K. E. Lamb, R. L. Ball, M. de With, M. T. Walsh. 2015. Establishment of echocardiographic parameters of clinically healthy Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46(2):205-212. DOI: Access Publication

Martin, J., H.H. Edwards, C.J. Fonnesbeck, S.M. Kolovsky, C.W. Harmak, T.M. Dane. 2015. Combining information for monitoring at large spatial scales: First statewide abundance estimate of the Florida manatee. Biological Conservation 186:44-51.

Silber GK, Adams JD, Asaro MJ, Cole TVN, Moore KS, Ward-Geiger LI, Zoodsma BJ. (2015) The right whale mandatory ship reporting system: a retrospective. PeerJ 3:e866 Access publication

Smith, L. N., D. S. Rotstein, R. L. Ball, T. J. Gerlach, M. Kinsel, M. Rodriguez, and M. de Wit. 2015. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46(4): 895-903.

Walsh, C.J., M. Butawan, J. Yordy, R. Ball, L. Flewelling, M. deWit, and R.K. Bonde. 2015. Sublethal red tide toxin exposure in free-ranging manatees (Trichechus manatus) affects the immune system through reduced lymphocyteproliferation responses, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Aquatic Toxicology 161:73-84. 

Deutsch, C. J. and M. E. Barlas.  2014.  Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winter 2013-2014.  Annual Report to Florida Power & Light Company.  FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-A4.  81 pp.

Calleson CS (2014) Issues and opportunities associated with using manatee mortality data to evaluate the effectiveness of manatee protection efforts in Florida. Endang Species Res 26:127-136

Gowan TA, Ortega-Ortiz JG (2014) Wintering Habitat Model for the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in the Southeastern United States. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95126. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095126

Grossman, C.J., R.E. Hamilton, M. De Wit, J. Johnson and R. Faul et al. 2014. The vocalization mechanism of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). OnLine J. Biol. Sci., 14: 127-149.

Kosempa, M., J. Martin, F. Johnson, R. Mezich, B. Stith, C. Deutsch, M. Masi, and H. Edwards.  2014.  Structured decision making for management of warm-water habitat for manatees.  Final report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  FWC/FWRI file F2852-10-14-F.  24 pp. plus appendices.

Martin, J., H.H. Edwards, F. Bled, C.J. Fonnesbeck, J.A. Dupuis, B. Gardner, S.M. Koslovsky, L.I. Ward-Geiger, R.H. Carmichael, D.E. Fagan, M. A. Ross, A. M. Aven, and J. A. Royle 2014. Estimating upper bounds for occupancy and number of manatees in areas potentially affected by oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. PLoS ONE 9 e91683. Access publication

Nichols, J.D., M. J. Eaton, and J. Martin. 2014. Thresholds for conservation and management: structured decision making as a conceptual framework. Application of Threshold Concepts in Natural Resource Decision Making. P Geissler, J Gross, G Guntenspergen (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heildeberg.

van der Hoop, J., Moore, M., Fahlman, A., Bocconcelli, A., George, C., Jackson, K., Miller, C., Morin, D., Pitchford, T., Rowles, T., Smith, J. and Zoodsma, B. (2014), Behavioral impacts of disentanglement of a right whale under sedation and the energetic cost of entanglement. Marine Mammal Science, 30: 282–307. doi: 10.1111/mms.12042. Access publication

Walsh, M.T. and M. de Wit. 2014. Sirenia. In: Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume Eight. R.E. Miller, M.E. Fowler, eds. Saunders, Elsevier Inc., St. Louis, MO. Pp 450-456.

Bauduin, S., J. Martin, H. H. Edwards, O. Gimenez, S.M. Koslovsky, and D.E. Fagan.  2013. An index of risk of co-occurrence between marine mammals and watercraft: Example of the Florida manatee. Biological Conservation 159:127-136. 
Access publication

Deutsch, C. J. and M. E. Barlas. 2013.  Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winter 2012-2013.  Annual Report to Florida Power & Light Company.  FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-A3. 77 pp.

Dorazio, R.M., J. Martin, and H.H. Edwards. 2013. Estimating abundance while accounting for rarity, correlated behavior, and other sources of variation in counts. Ecology 94, 1472-1478. Access publication

Edwards, H.H. 2013. Potential impacts of climate change on warmwater megafauna: the Florida Manatee example (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Climatic Change 12 p. doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0921-2. Access publication

Gerlach, T.J., A.H. Estrada, I.S. Sosa, I.S, M. Powell, H.W. Maisenbacher, M. de Wit, R.L. Ball, and M.T. Walsh. 2013. Echocardiographic evaluation of clinically healthy Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44(2):295-301. Access publication

Leone A, Dark M, Kondo H, Rotstein DS, Kiupel M, Walsh MT, Erlacher-Reid C, Gordon N, Conway JA. 2013. Gastrointestina​l leiomyosarcoma in a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps). J Zoo Wildl Med. 44(3):744-748. Access publication

Moore, M., Andrews, R., Austin, T., Bailey, J., Costidis, A., George, C., Jackson, K., Pitchford, T., Landry, S., Ligon, A., McLellan, W., Morin, D., Smith, J., Rotstein, D., Rowles, T., Slay, C. and Walsh, M. (2013), Rope trauma, sedation, disentanglement, and monitoring-tag associated lesions in a terminally entangled North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Marine Mammal Science, 29: E98–E113. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2012.00591.x

Bonde, R.K, A. Garrett, A, M. Belanger, and N. Askin. 2012. Biomedical health assessments of the Florida manatee in Crystal River - providing opportunities for training during the capture, handling, and processing of this endangered aquatic mammal. Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology 5(2): 17-28. 
Access publication

Deutsch, C. J. and Barlas, M.E. 2012. Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winter 2011-2012. Report to Florida Power & Light Company.  FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-A2.  69 pp.

Deutsch, C. J. and J. E. Reynolds III.  2012.  Florida manatee status and conservation issues: a primer.  Pp. 23-35 in:  Sirenian Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries.  Edited by E. Hines, J. E. Reynolds III, L. V. Aragones, A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni, and M. Marmontel.  University of Florida Press, Gainesville.

Gerlach, T. J., M. de Wit, and J. A. Landolfi. 2012. Diaphragmatic Hernia and Right-sided Heart Enlargement in a Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Wildlife Deseases 48(4): 1102 – 1104. DOI: 10.7589/2011-12-344.

Keller CA, Garrison, L., Baumstark, R, Ward-Geiger, LI, Hines E. (2012) Application of a Habitat Model to Define Calving Habitat of the North Atlantic Right Whale in the Southeast United States. Endangered Species Research. Vol. 18:73-87 doi:10.3354/esr00413. Access publication

Reynolds, J. E., III, B. Morales-Vela, I. Lawler, and H. Edwards.  2012.  Utility and design of aerial surveys for sirenians.  Pp. 186-195 in:  Sirenian Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries.  Edited by E. Hines, J. E. Reynolds III, L. V. Aragones, A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni, and M. Marmontel.  University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Access publication

Stith, B.M., D.H. Slone, M. de Wit, M., H.H. Edwards, C.A. Langtimm, E.D.Swain, L.E. Soderqvist, and J.P. Reid. 2012. Passive thermal refugia provided warm water for Florida manatees during the severe winter of 2009−2010. Marine Ecology Progress Series 462:287-301. Access publication

Wong, A. W., R. K. Bonde, J. Siegal-Willott, M. A. Stamper, J. Colee, J. A. Powell, J. P. Reid, C. J. Deutsch, and K. E. Harr.  2012.  Monitoring oral temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate of West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) during capture and handling in the field.  Aquatic Mammals 38(1): 1-16. 

Barlas, M. E., C. J. Deutsch, M. de Wit, and L. I. Ward-Geiger (editors). 2011. Florida manatee cold-related unusual mortality event, January-April 2010. Final report to USFWS (grant 40181AG037). Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida. 138 pp.
Download 2010 Manatee Cold-related UME Final Report

Deutsch, C. J. and M. E. Barlas. 2011. Manatee response to the conversion of the FPL Cape Canaveral power plant: Movements, warm-water habitat use, and thermal regime of satellite-tagged manatees during winter 2010-2011. Annual report to Florida Power & Light Company. FWC/FWRI file F2864-10-A1. 61pp.

Foley, H. J., Holt, R. C., Hardee, R. E., Nilsson, P. B., Jackson, K. A., Read, A. J., Pabst, D. A. and McLellan, W. A. (2011), Observations of a western North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) birth offshore of the protected southeast U.S. critical habitat. Marine Mammal Science, 27: E234–E240. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2010.00452.x

Martin, Julien, Jeffrey A Royle, Darryl I Mackenzie, Holly H Edwards, Mark Kéry, and Beth Gardner. 2011. Accounting for non-independent detection when estimating abundance of organisms with a Bayesian approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Ward-Geiger, L., A. Knowlton, A. Amos, T. Pitchford, B. Mase-Guthrie, and B. Zoodsma. 2011. Recent sightings of the North Atlantic right whale in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 29(1), pp. 74-78.

Tripp, K. M., J. P. Verstegen, C. J. Deutsch, R. K. Bonde, M. de Wit, C. A. Manire, J. Gaspard, and K. E. Harr. 2010. Evaluation of adrenocortical function in Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Zoo Biology 29: 1-15.

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck, Holly H. Edwards, and John E. Reynolds III. 2009. A hierarchical covariate model for detection, availability and abundance of Florida manatees at a warm water aggregation site. Pp. 563-578 in: D.L. Thomson et al. (eds.), Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-78151-8 24.

John W. Harvey, Kendal E. Harr, David Murphy, Michael T. Walsh, Elizabeth C. Nolan, Robert K. Bonde, Melanie G. Pate, Charles J. Deutsch, Holly H. Edwards, and William L. Clapp. 2009. Hematology of healthy Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus). Veterinary Clinical Pathology, v.38 no.2, p.183-193.

Deutsch, C. J., C. Self-Sullivan, and A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni.  2008.  Trichechus manatus.  In: IUCN 2008.  IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Access publication

Fonnesbeck, C.J., L.P. Garrison, L.I. Ward-Geiger, R.D. Baumstark. 2008. Bayesian hierarchical model for evaluating the risk of vessel strikes on North Atlantic right whales in the SE United States. Endangered Species Research, ESR 6:87-94 (2008). Access Publication

Keller, Martha, José L. Moliner, Grettys Vásquez, Danilo Cruz, Orestes Bello, Alex M. Costidis, Sentiel A. Rommel, aron B. Calderwood Mays, and Scott Gearhart. Nephrolithiasis and Pyelonephritis in Two West Indian Manatees (Trichechus manatus spp.) Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 44(3), 2008, pp. 707-711 # Wildlife Disease Association 2008.

C. S. Calleson and R. K. Frohlich. 2007. Slower boat speeds reduce risks to manatees. Endangered Species Research 3:295-304.

Deutsch, C. J. and P. Carlson.  2007.  Florida manatee foraging behavior and effects on seagrass communities around a winter warm-water refuge.  Final Report to the Wildlife Foundation of Florida.  Grant No. CWT0506-01.  FWC/FWRI file FCWT0506-01-F.  83 pp.

Holly H. Edwards, Kenneth H. Pollock, Bruce B. Ackerman, John E. Reynolds, III, and James A. Powell. 2007. Estimation of detection probability in manatee aerial surveys at a winter aggregation site. The Journal of Wildlife Management, v.71 no.6, p.2502-2060.

Harvey, J.W., K.E. Harr, D. Murphy, M.T. Walsh, E.J. Chittick, R.K. Bonde, M.G. Pate, C.J. Deutsch, H.H. Edwards and E.M. Haubold. 2007. Clinical biochemistry in healthy manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 38(2):269-279.

Michael G. Sorice, Richard O. Flamm, Sara McDonald. 2007. Factors influencing behavior in a boating speed zone. Coastal Management, v.35, p.357-374.

Sentiel A. Rommel, Alexander M. Costidis, Thomas D. Pitchford, Jessica D. Lightsey, Richard H. Snyder, and Elsa M. Haubold. 2007. Forensic methods for characterizing watercraft from watercraft-induced wounds on the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Marine Mammal Science, v.23 no.1, p.110-132.

Jessica Siegal-Willott, D.V.M., Amara Estrada, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.V.I.M. (Cardiology), Robert Bonde, B.A., Arthur Wong, B.S., Daniel J. Estrada, M.B.A., M.H.A, and Kendal Harr, D.V.M., M.S., Dipl. A.C.V.P. 2007. Electrocardiography in two subspecies of Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris and T. M. manatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37(4): 447-453.

Deutsch, C. J., H. H. Edwards, and M. E. Barlas.  2006. Florida manatee foraging behavior around a winter warm-water refuge. Final Report to the Wildlife Foundation of Florida. Grant No. CWT0405-12. FWC/FWRI file FCWT0405-12-F. 42 pp. Access Publication

Harr, K.E., J.W. Harvey, R.K. Bonde, D. Murphy, M. Lowe, M. Menchaca, E.M. Haubold, R. Francis-Floyd. 2006. Comparison of methods used to diagnose generalized inflammatory disease in manatees.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37(2):151-159.

Haubold, E. M., C. J. Deutsch, and C. Fonnesbeck. 2006. Final Biological Status Review of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Final report. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida. 133 pp.

Jessica D. Lightsey, Sentiel A. Rommel, Alexander M. Costidis, Thomas D. Pitchford. 2006. Methods used during gross necropsy to determine watercraft-related mortality in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine v.37 no.3, p.262-275.

Keller, C., L. I. Ward-Geiger, W.B. Brooks, C.K. Slay, C.R. Taylor, B. Zoodsma. 2006. North Atlantic right whale distribution in relation to sea surface temperature in the southeastern United States calving grounds.  Marine Mammal Science 22(2): 426-445 (April 2006).

Rommel, S.A., and A.M. Costidis, Manatee necropsy procedure. The husbandry and veterinary care of captive Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Atlanta, Georgia. In Press.

Rommel, S.A. Manatee Anatomy. The husbandry and veterinary care of captive Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Atlanta, Georgia. In Press.

Final Biological Status Review of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)

Deutsch, C. J. and H. H. Edwards.  2005.  Recording fine-scale movements of manatees using marine GPS tags.  Final report to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  FWC/FWRI file F2337-02-04-F.  34 pp. 

Flamm R.O., B.L. Weigle, I.E. Wright, M. Ross, and S. Aglietti.  2005. Estimation of manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) places and movement corridors, an application of satellite telemetry data. Ecological Applications 15:1415-1426.

Flewelling, L.J., Naar, J.P, Abbott, J., Baden, D, Barros, N., Bossart, G.D., Bottein, M.D., Hammond, D.G, Haubold, E.M., Heil, C.A., Henry, M.S., Jacocks, H.M., Leighfield, T.A., Pierce, R.H., Pitchford, T.D., Rommel, S.A., Scott, P.S., Steidinger, K.A., Truby, E.W., Van Dolah, F.M., and Landsberg, J.H.  2005. Unexpected vectors of brevetoxins during marine mammal mortalities. Nature 435:755-756.

Rommel, S.A., Scott, P.S., Steidinger, K.A., Truby, E.W., Van Dolah, F.M., and Landsberg, J.H.  2005. Unexpected vectors of brevetoxins during marine mammal mortalities. Nature 435:755-756.

Ward-Geiger, L.I. G.K. Silber, R.D. Baumstark, and T.L. Pulfer. 2005. Characterization of Ship Traffic in Right Whale Critical Habitat. Coastal Management 33:263-278.

Bossart, G.D., R.A. Meisner, S.A. Rommel, J.D. Lightsey, R.A. Varela, and R.H. Defran. 2004. Pathologic findings in Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Aquatic Mammals 30(3): 434-440.

Langtimm, C.A., C.A. Beck, H.H. Edwards, K.J. Fick-Child, B.B. Ackerman, S.L. Barton, and W.C. Hartley. 2004. Survival estimates for Florida manatees from the photo-identification of individuals. Marine Mammal Science 20(3): 438-463.

Nowacek, S.M., R.S. Wells, E.C.G. Owen, T.R. Speakman, R.O. Flamm, and D.P. Nowacek. 2004. Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) respond to approaching vessels. Biological Conservation 119: 517-523.

Reynolds, J.E., III, S.A. Rommel, and M.E. Pitchford. 2004. Likelihood of sperm competition in manatees  explaining an apparent paradox. Marine Mammal Science 20 (3): 464-476.

Aipanjiguly, Sampreethi, Susan K. Jacobson, and Richard Flamm. 2003. Conserving manatees: knowledge, attitudes, and intentions of boaters in Tampa Bay, Florida. Conservation Biology 17:1098-1105.

Bossart, Gregory D., Rene A. Meisner, S.A. Rommel, Shin-je Ghim, and A. Bennett Jenson. 2003.Pathological features of the Florida manatee cold stress syndrome. Aquatic Mammals 29.1:9-17.

Deutsch, C.J., J.P. Reid, R.K. Bonde, D.E. Easton, H.I. Kochman, and T.J. O'Shea. 2003. Seasonal movements, migratory behavior, and site fidelity of West Indian manatees along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Wildlife Monographs 151: 1-77.
Access Publication

Deutsch, C. J., H. H. Edwards, and A. J. Smith. 2003. Argos-linked GPS tags as a new tool to investigate manatee behavior: preliminary results on winter use of a warm-water refuge. 6 pp. in Proceedings of the Argos Animal Tracking Symposium. March 24-26, 2003. Annapolis, Maryland. Unnumbered.

Keith, Allan R. and Lucy W. Keith. 2003. More Pelagic bird sightings off Dominica. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 16.1:26-30.

Rommel, S.A., and H. Caplan. 2003. Vascular adaptations for heat conservation in the tail of Florida manatees, (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Anatomy 202: 343-353.

Rommel, S.A, J.E. Reynolds III, and H.A. Lynch. 2003. Adaptations of the herbivorous marine mammals.  Pages 287-306 in: L.'t Mannetje, L. Ramerez-Aviles, C. Sandoval-Castro, and J.C. Ku-Vera. (eds.),  Recent developments in the nutrition of herbivores.  Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, 19-24 October 2003, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

Rommel, S.A. and Heather Caplan. 2003. Vascular adaptations for heat conservation in the tail of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Anatomy. 202: 343-353.

Clark, L., Cowan, D.F., Worthy, G.A.J., Haubold, E.M.(2002) Anatomical and pathological examination of the first recorded stranding of a fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 20(1):38-43.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2002. Final Biological Status Review of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Final report. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Marine Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida. 148 pp.

Haubold, Elsa M., McGinnis, Michael R., Cooper, Chester R., Jr., Cowan, Daniel F. (2002) Molecular identification of the infective agent of Lobo's disease of dolphins in Molecular and Cell Biology of Marine Mammals, Carl Pfeiffer, editor, Krieger Publishers.

Kipps, E.K., W.A. McLellan, S.A. Rommel, and D.A. Pabst. 2002. Skin density and its influence on buoyancy in the manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Marine Mammal Science 18: 765-778.

McLellan, W.A., H.N. Koopman, S.A. Rommel, A.J. Read, C.W. Potter, J.R. Nicholas, A.J. Westgate, and D.A. Pabst.2002. Ontogenetic allometry and body composition of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the western North Atlantic. Journal of Zoology. 257:457-471.

Reynolds, J.E., III and J.A. Powell, Jr. 2002. The manatees--Family Trichechidae (Trichechus manatusT. senegalensis, and T. inunguis) In: W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and H. Thewissen, editors. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Reynolds, J.E., III, S.A. Rommel, and M.E. Bolen. 2002. Post-cranial anatomy: orientation and organization of the soft tissues. In: W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and H. Thewissen, editors. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Rommel, S., D. Pabst, and W. McLellan. 2002. Skull morphology of marine mammals. In: W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and H. Thewissen, editors. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Rommel, S.A. and J.E. Reynolds, III. 2002. Postcranial skeletal morphology of marine mammals. In: W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and H. Thewissen, editors, Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Wright, I. E., J. E. Reynolds, B. B. Ackerman, L. I. Ward, B. L. Weigle, and W.A. Szelistowski. 2002. Trends in manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) counts and habitat use in Tampa Bay, 1987-1994: Implications for conservation. Marine Mammal Science.

Ackerman, B.B. and J.A. Powell. 2001. Can manatee numbers continue to grow in a fast-developing state? Pages 313-320 in D.S. Maehr, R.F. Noss, and J.L. Larkin, editors. Large Mammal Restoration: Ecological and Sociological Challenges in the 21st Century. Island Press Books, Covelo, CA. [Proceedings, Symposium on Large Mammal Restoration: Ecological and Sociological Considerations. The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Austin, Texas, Sept. 7-11, 1999.]

Edwards, H. H., and G. D. Schnell. 2001. Observations on body length, swimming speed, dive duration and coloration of the Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) in Nicaragua. Caribbean Journal of Science

Edwards, H. H., and G. D. Schnell. 2001. Status and ecology of Sotalia fluviatilis in the Cayos Misktos Reserve Nicaragua. Marine Mammal Science. 17: 445-472.

Flamm, R.O., L.I. Ward, and B.L. Weigle. 2001. Applying a variable-shaped spatial filter to map relative abundance of manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Landscape Ecology 16:279-288.

Haase, P. and K. Schneider. 2001. Birth demographics of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand-preliminary findings. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:675-680.

Reid, J. P, S. M. Butler, D. E. Easton, and C. J. Deutsch. 2001. Fifteen years of success in tracking manatees with the Argos system: an overview of programs and techniques. 9 Proceedings of the Argos International Users' Conference, April 23-25, 2001. Annapolis, Maryland. Unnumbered.

Rommel, S.A. and L. Lowenstine. 2001. Gross and Microscopic Anatomy. Pages 129-163 in L. Dierauf, and J.D. Gulland, editors. 2001. CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Rommel, S. A., D. A. Pabst, and W. A. McLellan. 2001. Functional morphology of venous structures associated with the male and female reproductive systems in Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris)

Rommel, S.A. and L. Lowenstein. 2001. Gross and microscopic anatomy. Pages 129-163 in L. Dierauf and J.D. Gulland, editors. CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, second edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Sidman, C., and R. Flamm. 2001. A survey of methods for characterizing recreational boating in Charlotte Harbor, FL. Final Report. Florida Sea Grant Publication. TP-109. 47 pp.

Weigle, B. L., I. E. Wright, M. Ross, and R. Flamm.  2001.  Movements of radio-tagged manatees in Tampa Bay and along Florida's west coast, 1991-1996.  Florida Marine Research Institute Technical Report TR-7.  St. Petersburg, Florida.  156 pp. Access Publication

Young, N.M. and S. Shapiro. 2001. U.S. Federal Legislation Governing Marine Mammals. Pages 741-766 in L. Dierauf, and J.D. Gulland, editors. 2001. CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Ackerman, B.B., and J. E. Reynolds III. 2000. Manatee use of power plant effluents as shown by winter aerial surveys. 6pp. in USFWS. Florida manatees and warm water: Proceedings of the Warm-Water Workshop, Jupiter, Florida, August 24-25, 1999. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville, FL. Unnumbered.

Deutsch, C. J. 2000. Winter use of thermal refugia by radio-tagged manatees along the Atlantic coast. 3 pp. in U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Florida manatees and warm water: Proceedings of the warm-water workshop, Jupiter, Florida, August 24-25, 1999. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville, FL. Unnumbered.

Deutsch, C. J., J. P. Reid, L. W. Lefebvre, D. E. Easton, and B. J. Zoodsma. 2000. Manatee response to elimination of a thermal refuge in northeastern Florida: a preliminary report of results. 3 pp. in U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Florida manatees and warm water: Proceedings of the warm-water workshop, Jupiter, Florida, August 24-25, 1999. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville, FL. Unnumbered.

Fagone, D.M., S.A. Rommel, and M.E. Bolen. 2000. Sexual dimorphism in vestigial pelvic bones of Florida manatees. Florida Scientist 63(3):177-181.

Flamm, R.O., E.C.G. Owen, C.F.W. Owen, R.S. Wells, and D. Nowacek. Aerial videogrammetry from a tethered airship to assess manatee life-stage structure. Marine Mammal Science 16(3):617-630.

Flamm, R.O. 2000. Conceptual model: framework for research and management of warm-water/manatee relationship. 4pp. in USFWS. Florida manatees and warm water: Proceedings of the Warm-Water Workshop, Jupiter, Florida, August 24-25, 1999. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville, FL. Unnumbered.

FWC. 2000. Atlas of Marine Resources CD-ROM, Version 1.3. R.O. Flamm, L.I. Ward, and M.D. White, editors. Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Haubold, E.M., Cooper, C.R., Wen, J. McGinnis, M.R., Cowan, D.F. (2000) Comparative Morphometrics of Loboa loboi in dolphins and humans. Medical Mycology 38(1):9-14.

Jacobson, S., S. Aipanjiguly, and R. Flamm. 2000. Survey research on Florida boaters and manatee management. Final Report submitted to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Contract #99106. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 66 pp.

Lefebvre, L.W., J.P. Reid, W.J. Kenworthy, and J.A. Powell. 2000. Characterizing manatee habitat use and seagrass grazing in Florida and Puerto Rico implications for conservation and management. Pacific Conservation Biology 5:289-298.

Rommel, S. and J.E. Reynolds, III. 2000. Diaphragm structure and function in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Anatomical Record 259(1):41-51. (cover article)

Worthy, G., T.A. Miculka, and S.D. Wright. 2000. Manatee response to cold: how cold is too cold? 6 pp. in USFWS. Florida manatees and warm water: Proceedings of the Warm-Water Workshop, Jupiter, Florida, August 24-25, 1999. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville, FL. Unnumbered.

Ackerman, B.B., T.D. Pitchford, B.L. Weigle, J.E. Reynolds III, R.S. Wells, and M.A. Baran. 1999. Chapter 11. Marine Mammals. Pages 11-1 to 11-13 in J.R. Pribble, A.J. Janicki, and H. Greening, editors. Baywide Environmental Monitoring Report, 1993-1998, Tampa Bay, Florida. Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Technical Publication 07-99. St. Petersburg, Florida.

Pabst, D.A., S.A. Rommel, and W.A. McLellan. 1999. The functional morphology of marine mammals. Pages 15-72 in J.E. Reynolds, III, and S. A. Rommel, editors. Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 578 pp.

Reynolds, J.E., III, S.A. Rommel and D.K. Odell. 1999. Marine mammals of the World, Pages 1-14 in J.E. Reynolds, III, and S. A. Rommel, editors. Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 578 pp.

Reynolds, J.E. III, and S.A. Rommel, editors. 1999. Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. ISBN 1560983752: 578 pp.

Bossart, G.D., D.G. Baden, R.Y. Ewing, B. Roberts, and S.D. Wright. 1998. Brevetoxicosis in manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) from the 1996 epizootic: gross, histologic and immunohistochemical features. Toxicologic Pathology 26(2):276-282.

Deutsch, C. J., R. K. Bonde, and J. P. Reid.  1998.  Radio-tracking manatees from land and space: Tag design, implementation, and lessons learned from long-term study.  Marine Technology Society Journal 32: 18-29.

Haubold, E.M., Aronson, J.F., Cowan, D.F., McGinnis, M.R., Cooper, C.R. (1998). Isolation of fungal rDNA from bottlenose dolphin skin infected with Loboa loboi. Medical Mycology 36(5):263-267.

Koelsch, J.K., and T.D. Pitchford. 1998. Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Charlotte Harbor. Pages 171-185 in S.F. Treat, editor. Proceedings of the Charlotte Harbor Public Conference and Technical Symposium, Punta Gorda, Florida, March 15-16, 1997. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program, Technical Report 98-02. North Ft. Myers, Florida.

Miller, K.E., B.B. Ackerman, L.W. Lefebvre, and K.B. Clifton. 1998. An evaluation of strip-transect aerial survey methods for monitoring manatee populations in Florida. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 26(3): 561-570.

Pabst, D.A., S.A. Rommel, and W.A. McLellan. 1998. Evolution of Thermoregulatory Function in Cetacean Reproductive Systems. Pages 379-397 in H. Thewissen, editor. The Emergence of Whales. Plenum Press, New York.

Pence, D.B., and S.D. Wright. 1998. Chaelonacarus elongatus n. gen., n. sp. (Acari; Cloacardae) from the cloaca of the green turtle (Chelonia midas; Cheloniidae). The Journal of Parasitology 84(4): 835-839.

Rommel, S.A., D.A. Pabst, and W.A. McLellan. 1998. Reproductive thermoregulation in marine mammals. American Scientist 86(5):440-448.

Rommel, S.A., J.E. Reynolds, III, and R.S. Wells, editors. 1998. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Atlantic Coastal Dolphin Conference, 1-3 May 1998, Sarasota, FL,. 120 pp.

Shay, M.E., S.A. Rommel, and J.E. Reynolds III. 1998. Cranial ossification of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris): developing a relative age scale. In: S.A. Rommel, J.E. Reynolds, III, and R.S. Wells, editors. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Atlantic Coastal Dolphin Conference, 1-3 May 1998, Sarasota, FL,. 120 pp.

Wright, I. E., S. D. Wright, and J. M. Sweat. 1998. Use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags to identify manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Marine Mammal Science 14(3):239-247.

Ward-Geiger, L.I. 1997. Blubber depth and body condition indices in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). M.S. Thesis, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. 119 pages.

Reynolds, J.E., III, and S.A. Rommel. 1996. Structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract of the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. Anatomical Record 245:539-558.

Sweat, J.M. 1996. A characterization of kidney epithelial cells from the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus. M.S. Thesis, University of South Florida, Tampa.

Thomas, C.T. 1996. Aerial survey of coastal bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, along the east coast of Florida. M.S. Thesis, Univ. N. Carolina, Wilmington. 34 pp.

Weigle, B. 1996. Marine mammals. Pages 10:1-8 in A.P. Squires, A.J. Janicki, and H. Greening, editors. Tampa Bay Environmental Monitoring Report, 1992-1993. Tech. Publ. 15-96, Tampa Bay National Estuary Program, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Duignan, P.J., C. House, M.T. Walsh, T. Campbell, G.D. Bossart, N. Duffy, P.J. Fernandes, B. K. Rima, S. Wright, and J.R. Geraci. 1995. Morbillivirus infection in manatees. Marine Mammal Science. 11(4):441-451.

O'Shea, T.J., B.B. Ackerman, and H.F. Percival, editors. 1995. Population Biology of the Florida Manatee. National Biological Service, Information and Technical Report 1. Washington, D.C. 289 pp. [Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Manatee Population Biology, February 4-6, 1992, Gainesville, Fla.]

Ackerman, B.B. Aerial surveys of manatees: a summary and progress report. Pages 13-33.

Ackerman, B.B., S.D. Wright, R.K. Bonde, D.K. Odell, and D.J. Banowetz. Trends and patterns in mortality of manatees in Florida, 1974-1992. Pages 223-258.

Garrott, R.A., B.B. Ackerman, J.R. Cary, D.M. Heisey, J.E. Reynolds, III, and J.R. Wilcox. Assessment of trends in sizes of manatee populations at several Florida aggregation sites. Pages 34-55.

Lefebvre, L.W., B.B. Ackerman, K.M. Portier, and K.H. Pollock. Aerial survey as a technique for estimating trends in manatee population size-problems and prospects. Pages 63-74.

O'Shea, T.J, and B.B. Ackerman. Population biology of the Florida manatee: an overview. Pages 280-287.

Wright, S.D., B.B. Ackerman, R.K. Bonde, C.A. Beck, and D.J. Banowetz. Analysis of watercraft-related mortality of manatees in Florida, 1979-1991. Pages 259-268.

Garrott, R.A., B.B. Ackerman, J.R. Cary, D.M. Heisey, J.E. Reynolds III, P.M. Rose, and J.R. Wilcox. 1994. Trends in counts of Florida manatees at winter aggregation sites. Journal of Wildlife Management 58(4):642-654.

Deutsch, C.J., D.E. Crocker, D.P. Costa, and B.J. Le Boeuf. 1994. Sex- and age related variation in reproductive effort of northern elephant seals. Pages 169-210 in Elephant Seals: Population Ecology, Behavior and Physiology. Edited by B.J. Le Boeuf and R.M. Laws. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Haley, M.P., C.J. Deutsch, and B.J. Le Boeuf. 1994. Size dominance and copulatory success in male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Animal Behavior 48(6): 1249-1260.

Bradley, J.L., S.D. Wright, and P.M. McGuire. 1993. The Florida manatee: cytochrome b DNA sequence. Marine Mammal Science 9(2):197-202.

Ward, L.I., and B. Weigle. 1993. To save a species: GIS for manatee research and management. GIS World 6(8):34-37.

Haley, M.P., C.J. Deutsch, and B.J. Le Boeuf. 1991. A method for estimating weight of large pinnipeds. Marine Mammal Science 7: 157-164.

Rose, N., C.J. Deutsch, and B.J. Le Boeuf. 1991. Sexual behavior of male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Estimates from mass loss. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 2580-2593.

Deutsch, C. J., M. P. Haley, and B. J. Le Boeuf. 1990. Reproductive effort of male northern elephant seals: Estimates from mass loss. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 2580-2593.

Weigle, B.L., and K.D. Haddad. 1990. Applications of the Florida Department of Natural Resources' Marine Resources Geographic Information System to manatee biology and management. Pages 23-27 in J.E. Reynolds, III, and K.D. Haddad, editors. Report of the Workshop on Geographic Information Systems as an Aid to Managing Habitat for West Indian Manatees in Florida and Georgia. Florida Marine Research Publications 49:1-57.