Craig Mallison

Craig Mallison
Associate Research Scientist
B.S. Natural Resources with distinction in Fisheries Management, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
M.S. Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Research Interests
Aerial vegetation mapping, fish & wildlife habitat assessments, selectivity of herbicides to promote desirable plant communities, revegetation of native aquatic plants
Craig began work with the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission in 1989, which merged with the Florida Marine Research Institute and the Florida Marine Patrol to form the FWC in 1999. Craig has over 30 years of experience working on aquatic plant management and research projects, including 18 years as the project leader of the Freshwater Plants research project with FWRI. Primary experience includes permitting triploid grass carp, monitoring trends in aquatic plant communities, evaluating methods of planting native aquatic vegetation, directing mechanical and herbicide treatment of nuisance plants, researching plant management strategies and results, and conducting lake-wide aquatic plant mapping and habitat assessment.