Thomas Creek WMA - King's Road Unit

Managed in cooperation with the:
St. Johns River Water Management District
City of Jacksonville
The Thomas Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA) occupies 2,429 acres in northern Duval County, within three miles of the Jacksonville International Airport. The WMA is one of five units of the Thomas Creek Conservation Area, which covers approximately 5,540 acres in both Nassau and Duval counties along Thomas Creek. Within the region, which has become increasingly urbanized, the conservation area provides valuable flood and water quality protection, and provides healthy, diverse habitat for wildlife and nature-based recreational opportunities. Meandering, steep-sided Thomas Creek originates in southwest Nassau County and flows east/northeast to the Nassau River, forming the northern boundary of the WMA. The conservation area protects ten miles of the creek's shoreline.
Like most of the conservation area, the King's Road Unit was formerly managed for commercial timber. Much of the upland portions consist of slash pine plantation. The floodplain swamps along Thomas Creek are dominated by cypress, tupelo and titi. The St. Johns River Water Management District manages the area using a combination of timber harvesting, groundcover restoration, reforestation and controlled burns. The City of Jacksonville manages recreation. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission administers hunting related activities. Wildlife on the area includes deer, turkey, wild hog, northern bobwhite and numerous species of resident and migratory songbirds. Snapping turtle, Florida cooter and otter occur along the creek.
Recreational opportunities on the area include hunting, wildlife viewing, hiking, horseback riding and bicycling. Two loop trails, with parking areas, are located on both sides of U.S. Hwy. 1. The trails accommodate hikers, bicyclists and equestrians; motorized vehicles are prohibited. Between September and April, quota hunts take place on limited days. They include seasons for archery, muzzleloading gun, family hunt, general gun, small game and spring turkey. Fishing is permitted year-round. The WMA is open to the public from sunrise to sunset, year-round, except during the family hunt and the archery, muzzleloading gun, general gun and spring turkey seasons, when public access is restricted to individuals participating in the hunts. Check FWC regulations summary brochure for more detailed information about hunting seasons.
Rules Regarding Dogs
- For purposes other than hunting, dogs are allowed only during non-hunting periods, but must be kept under physical restraint at all times. Dogs are prohibited in areas posted as "Closed to Public Access" by FWC administrative action. No person shall allow any dog to pursue or molest any wildlife during any period in which the taking of wildlife by the use of dogs is prohibited.
- For regulations regarding hunting dogs, see FWC's regulations summary brochure.
More Information
- Contact the St. Johns River Water Management District at (386) 329-4404 or visit
- Check the St. Johns River Water Management District's web page for Thomas Creek Conservation Area.
- View FWC's regulations summary brochure for Thomas Creek WMA - King's Road Unit for an area map, hunting seasons, permits, fees and area regulations.