Goethe Wildlife Management Area

Managed in cooperation with the Florida Forest Service.
Goethe Wildlife Management Area (WMA) consists of more than 48,000 acres in southeastern Levy County, south of Bronson. The large tract of old-growth longleaf pines on the area is home to the rare red-cockaded woodpecker, as well as the gopher tortoise, southern fox squirrel and bald eagle. Within Goethe are more than 15 natural community types, including cypress swamps and sandhills.
Add your bird observations to the Goethe State Forest eBird Hotspot.
An extensive trail system may be accessed at three separate trailheads, and recreational activities include hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, bicycling, hiking, horseback riding, and picnicking. Children under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet when horseback riding on public lands. For more detailed information go to Nicole's Law. All horseback riders must have proof of current negative Coggins Test results for their horses when on state lands. Camping is allowed year round through a permit obtained from the Florida Forest Service.
Rules Regarding Dogs
- For purposes other than hunting, dogs are allowed, but must be kept under physical restraint at all times. Dogs are prohibited in areas posted as "Closed to Public Access" by FWC administrative action. No person shall allow any dog to pursue or molest any wildlife during any period in which the taking of wildlife by the use of dogs is prohibited.
- Hunting dogs may be taken onto the WMA after 8 a.m. the day before the opening of a season and shall be removed by 6 p.m. one day after the end of the season. Hunting deer and wild hogs with dogs is allowed during the general gun dog hunt, provided the dogs have a shoulder height of 17 inches or less. Hunting with dogs is prohibted during the archery, muzzleloading gun and the general gun still seasons. Hunting with dogs other than bird dogs is prohibited during the small game season. Dogs are prohibited in areas posted as "Closed to Public Access" by FWC administrative action. No person shall allow any dog to pursue or molest any wildlife during any period in which the taking of wildlife by the use of dogs is prohibited. Dogs on leashes may be used for trailing wounded game.
More Information
- View FWC's regulations summary brochure for Goethe WMA for an area map, hunting seasons, permits, fees and area regulations.