FWC approves new rule changes to increase antlerless deer harvest opportunities
At its February meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved rule changes to increase antlerless deer harvest opportunities, which will be in effect for the 2025-26 hunting season. These rules are based on antlerless deer harvest data, deer depredation permit trends and vehicle collision data, which were carefully reviewed by FWC staff and stakeholders. Additionally, online summaries of these rule changes were provided to the public for comment, and over 11,000 responses were received.
These changes increase the number of antlerless deer season dates on lands outside the wildlife management area system within the Deer Management Units in Zones B, C and D. In Zones B and C, hunters will be able to harvest antlerless deer during the archery, crossbow and muzzleloading gun seasons. Additional antlerless deer harvest opportunities include a 9-day period during the general gun season in DMUs B1, C1, C2, C3, C4 and C6 and during the first 30 days of the general gun season in DMU C5. In Zone D, antlerless deer will be allowed to be taken during the entirety of the deer season. The new rules also increase the bag limit for antlerless deer in DMU D2 to three as part of the statewide annual bag limit of five.
For maps of Florida’s hunting zones and Deer Management Units, visit MyFWC.com/Deer and click on “Deer Management Units (DMUs).”