Restricted Species
Commercial Food and Bait Species
Both restricted and protected species require a restricted species endorsement. Please see Florida Administrative Code Chapter 68B.
R = restricted species or RS designation
M = marine life endorsement
* Some species require ML endorsement.
** Gray triggerfish are restricted; some species require ML endorsement.
*** For non-restricted species only.
Bold text denotes new additions/changes.
All Commercial Food and Bait Species Codes
- 103 R Amberjack, greater
- 471 R Amberjack, greater (cores)
- 415 R Amberjack, lesser
- 472 R Amberjack, lesser (cores)
- 104 Anchovies
- 450 M Angelfish
- 102 Bait Fish
- 182 Bait Fish (numbers)
- 105 Ballyhoo
- 106 Ballyhoo (numbers)
- 459 Barracuda
- 457 Barrelfish
- 408 Bass, longtail
- 287 Bigeye (razors, "toro")
- 107 R Bluefish
- 108 Blue Runner (numbers)
- 109 Blue Runner
- 273 Bream, red ("alfonsin")
- 385 Brotula
- 453 Butterfish
- 115 Catfish
- 113 R Cobia
- 118 Croaker, Atlantic (numbers)
- 119 Croaker, Atlantic
- 387 Cusk-eel
- 407 Cutlassfish
- 410 Cutlassfish (numbers)
- 121 R Dolphin
- 123 R Drum, black
- 275 Eel, conger
- 277 M Eel, moray
- 125 Eel, other *
- 384 Escolar
- 291 R Flounder, Gulf
- 292 R Flounder, southern
- 293 R Flounder, summer
- 127 R Flounder, other
- 295 Flyingfish
- 371 Flyingfish (numbers)
- 401 Goatfishes (Mullidae)
- 131 R Grouper, black (carberita)
- 431 R Grouper, coney
- 133 R Grouper, gag
- 433 R Grouper, graysby
- 439 R Grouper, hind, red ("strawberry")
- 441 R Grouper, hind, rock
- 443 R Grouper, hind, speckled (Kitty Mitchell)
- 435 Grouper, marbled
- 437 R Grouper, misty
- 137 R Grouper, red
- 139 R Grouper, scamp
- 141 R Grouper, snowy
- 445 R Grouper, tiger
- 143 R Grouper, warsaw
- 145 R Grouper, yellowedge
- 147 R Grouper, yellowfin (="fireback")
- 447 R Grouper, yellowmouth
- 150 Grouper, mixed***
- 149 Grouper, other***
- 151 Grunts
- 152 Grunts (numbers)
- 388 Hake (southern, gulf, spotted)
- 455 Harvestfish
- 289 Herring, round
- 153 Herring, thread
- 154 Herring, thread (numbers)
- 155 R Hogfish ("Hog Snapper")
- 416 R Jack, almaco
- 473 R Jack, almaco (cores)
- 409 Jack, Atlantic bumper
- 393 Jack, Atlantic moonfish
- 395 Jack, bar
- 396 Jack, bar (numbers)
- 157 Jack, crevalle
- 397 Jack, horse-eye (gallego)
- 398 Jack, lookdown
- 399 Jack, yellow
- 159 Jack, mixed
- 161 Jack, other
- 249 Kingfish ("whiting")
- 167 Ladyfish
- 456 Ladyfish (headed & gutted)
- 460 Lionfish
- 166 Lizardfish
- 220 Mackerel, cero
- 164 Mackerel, chub
- 165 R Mackerel, king
- 219 R Mackerel, Spanish
- 186 R Mackerel, Spanish (numbers)
- 391 Margates
- 168 Menhaden (pogies, bunkers; numbers)
- 173 Menhaden (pogies, bunkers)
- 403 Mojarra (Gerreidae, striped, spotfin, other)
- 404 Mojarra, Irish pompano
- 172 R Mullet, fingerling
- 174 R Mullet, fingerling (numbers)
- 175 R Mullet, black (striped, liza)
- 176 R Mullet, black, roe, red (lbs of fish)
- 178 R Mullet, black, roe, white (lbs of fish)
- 475 R Mullet, black, roe (roe only)
- 177 R Mullet, silver
- 470 R Mullet, silver (numbers)
- 297 Needlefish
- 298 Needlefish (numbers)
- 383 Oilfish
- 389 Opah
- 451 M Parrotfish
- 181 R Permit
- 411 Pinfish (numbers)
- 412 Pinfish
- 224 Pomfret, bigscale
- 226 Pomfret, other
- 183 R Pompano, Florida
- 458 R Pompano, African
- 372 Porgy, grass
- 373 Porgy, jolthead
- 375 Porgy, knobbed
- 374 Porgy, littlehead
- 377 Porgy, longspine
- 247 Porgy, other (scup)
- 379 R Porgy, red
- 454 Puffers*
- 184 Rays & Skates
- 382 Rosefish, blackbelly
- 414 R Rudderfish, banded ("amberina")
- 474 R Rudderfish, banded ("amberina"; cores)
- 187 Sand Perch (Serranidae)
- 188 Sand Perch (Serranidae; numbers)
- 413 Sardines, scaled
- 274 Sardines, scaled (numbers)
- 221 Sardines, Spanish
- 222 Sardines, Spanish (numbers)
- 129 Scad, bigeye (goggle-eye)
- 130 Scad, bigeye (goggle-eye, numbers)
- 117 Scad, round (cigarfish)
- 417 Scad, round (cigarfish, numbers)
- 381 Scorpionfish
- 281 R Sea bass, bank
- 283 R Sea bass, black
- 285 R Sea bass, rock
- 189 R Sea bass, mixed
- 299 Searobins
- 191 Seatrout, weakfish (East coast)
- 192 Seatrout, silver
- 193 R Seatrout, spotted
- 195 Seatrout, sand (Gulf coast)
- 197 Shad, American
- 461 Shad, gizzard
- 478 Shark, Atlantic sharpnose
- 476 Shark, blacknose
- 477 Shark, blacktip
- 479 Shark, bonnethead
- 481 Shark, bull
- 482 Shark, finetooth
- 485 Shark, hammerhead
- 487 Shark, lemon
- 489 Shark, mako, shortfin
- 491 Shark, sandbar
- 492 Shark, silky
- 496 Shark, spinner
- 493 Shark, thresher
- 495 Shark, tiger
- 199 Shark, mixed
- 497 Shark, other
- 200 Shark Fins
- 201 R Sheepshead
- 418 R Snapper, black
- 419 R Snapper, blackfin (hambone)
- 426 Snapper, Caribbean red
- 420 R Snapper, cubera
- 421 R Snapper, dog
- 205 R Snapper, grey (mangrove)
- 203 R Snapper, lane
- 423 R Snapper, mahogany
- 207 R Snapper, mutton
- 425 R Snapper, queen (ballbat)
- 209 R Snapper, red
- 427 R Snapper, schoolmaster
- 211 R Snapper, silk (yellow-eye)
- 213 R Snapper, vermilion (b-liner)
- 429 R Snapper, wenchman
- 215 R Snapper, yellowtail
- 218 Snapper, mixed***
- 217 Snapper, other***
- 452 Spadefish
- 225 Spot
- 228 Spot (numbers)
- 120 Squirrelfish (razors)
- 279 M Surgeonfish
- 229 R Swordfish
- 179 Tilapia ("Nile Perch")
- 234 Triggerfish* **
- 449 R Tripletail
- 463 Tilefish, anchor
- 465 Tilefish, blackline
- 231 R Tilefish (golden)
- 467 Tilefish, goldface
- 233 Tilefish, blueline (gray)
- 469 Tilefish, sand
- 240 Tuna, albacore
- 235 Tuna, bigeye
- 237 Tuna, blackfin
- 239 Tuna, bluefin
- 241 Tuna, skipjack
- 243 Tuna, yellowfin
- 244 Tuna, mixed
- 111 Tunny, little ("bonito")
- 112 Tunny, little ("bonito", numbers)
- 245 R Wahoo
- 405 Wreckfish
- 406 Wreckfish roe (red/white roe only, lbs)
- 251 Miscellaneous Food Fish***
- 253 Miscellaneous Industrial Fish***
- 309 Clams, ungraded (gallons)
- 308 Clams, ungraded (numbers)
- 256 Clams, littlenecks (numbers)
257 Clams, middlenecks (numbers) - 258 Clams, topneck (numbers)
- 259 Clams, cherry (numbers)
- 261 Clams, chowder (numbers)
- 301 Clams, sunray venus
- 370 Clams (lbs in shell)
- 314 Conch (whelk, helmet)
- 448 Crab, bait (calico; lesser blue; other; numbers)***
- 321 R Crab, blue (hard)
- 322 R Crab, blue (hard, numbers)
- 323 R Crab, blue (soft, numbers)
- 324 Crab, golden
- 364 Crab, horseshoe (numbers)
- 368 Crab, Jonah
- 352 Crab, land (blue; numbers)
- 360 Crab, mole (sand flea)
- 369 Crab, mole (sand flea; numbers)
- 366 Crab, red
- 350 Crab, spider
- 325 R Crab, stone (jumbo claws)
- 327 R Crab, stone (large claws)
- 329 R Crab, stone (medium claws)
- 331 R Crab, stone (small claws)
- 332 R Crab, stone (ungraded, green claws)
- 367 Jellyfish
- 319 Lobster, Spanish (dozers)
- 320 Lobster, Spanish (dozers; tails)
- 317 R Lobster, spiny (whole)
- 318 R Lobster, spiny (tails)
- 362 Mussels
- 316 Mussels, green
- 302 Oysters (lbs in shell)
- 303 Oysters (bushels, sacks)
- 304 Oysters (lbs of meat)
- 305 Oysters (gallons)
- 307 Oysters (barrels)
- 269 Scallops, calico (bags, bushels)
- 313 Scallops, calico (gallons)
- 267 Scallops, calico (lbs of meat)
- 271 Scallops, calico (lbs in shell)
- 462 Scallops, other
- 345 R Shrimp, bait (numbers)
- 346 R Shrimp, bait
- 337 R Shrimp, brown (heads off)
- 338 R Shrimp, brown (heads on)
- 333 R Shrimp, pink (heads off)
- 334 R Shrimp, pink (heads on)
- 339 Shrimp, rock (heads off)
- 340 Shrimp, rock (heads on)
- 341 Shrimp, royal red (heads off)
- 342 Shrimp, royal red (heads on)
- 335 R Shrimp, white (heads off)
- 336 R Shrimp, white (heads on)
- 343 Shrimp, other (heads off)***
- 344 Shrimp, other (heads on)***
- 355 Sponge, grass (numbers)
- 353 Sponge, sheepswool (numbers)
- 357 Sponge, yellow (numbers)
- 359 Sponge, other (numbers) *
- 351 Crustaceans, mixed
- 361 Miscellaneous Invertebrates
- 349 Octopus
- 363 M Sea Cucumbers
- 365 M Sea Urchins
- 347 Squid
Non-Restricted Food and Bait Species Codes
- 104 Anchovies
- 102 Bait Fish
- 182 Bait Fish (numbers)
- 105 Ballyhoo
- 106 Ballyhoo (numbers)
- 459 Barracuda
- 457 Barrelfish
- 408 Bass, longtail
- 287 Bigeye (razors, "toro")
- 108 Blue Runner (numbers)
- 109 Blue Runner
- 273 Bream, red ("alfonsin")
- 385 Brotula
- 453 Butterfish
- 115 Catfish
- 118 Croaker, Atlantic (numbers)
- 119 Croaker, Atlantic
- 387 Cusk-eel
- 407 Cutlassfish
- 410 Cutlassfish (numbers)
- 275 Eel, conger
- 125 Eel, other *
- 384 Escolar
- 295 Flyingfish
- 371 Flyingfish (numbers)
- 401 Goatfishes (Mullidae)
- 435 Grouper, marbled
- 150 Grouper, mixed***
- 149 Grouper, other***
- 151 Grunts
- 152 Grunts (numbers)
- 388 Hake (southern, gulf, spotted)
- 455 Harvestfish
- 289 Herring, round
- 153 Herring, thread
- 154 Herring, thread (numbers)
- 409 Jack, Atlantic bumper
- 393 Jack, Atlantic moonfish
- 395 Jack, bar
- 396 Jack, bar (numbers)
- 157 Jack, crevalle
- 397 Jack, horse-eye (gallego)
- 398 Jack, lookdown
- 399 Jack, yellow
- 159 Jack, mixed
- 161 Jack, other
- 249 Kingfish ("whiting")
- 167 Ladyfish
- 456 Ladyfish (headed & gutted)
- 460 Lionfish
- 166 Lizardfish
- 220 Mackerel, cero
- 164 Mackerel, chub
- 391 Margates
- 168 Menhaden (pogies, bunkers; numbers)
- 173 Menhaden (pogies, bunkers)
- 403 Mojarra (Gerreidae, striped, spotfin, other)
- 404 Mojarra, Irish pompano
- 297 Needlefish
- 298 Needlefish (numbers)
- 383 Oilfish
- 389 Opah
- 411 Pinfish (numbers)
- 412 Pinfish
- 224 Pomfret, bigscale
- 226 Pomfret, other
- 372 Porgy, grass
- 373 Porgy, jolthead
- 375 Porgy, knobbed
- 374 Porgy, littlehead
- 377 Porgy, longspine
- 247 Porgy, other (scup)
- 454 Puffers*
- 184 Rays & Skates
- 382 Rosefish, blackbelly
- 187 Sand Perch (Serranidae)
- 188 Sand Perch (Serranidae; numbers)
- 413 Sardines, scaled
- 274 Sardines, scaled (numbers)
- 221 Sardines, Spanish
- 222 Sardines, Spanish (numbers)
- 129 Scad, bigeye (goggle-eye)
- 130 Scad, bigeye (goggle-eye, numbers)
- 117 Scad, round (cigarfish)
- 417 Scad, round (cigarfish, numbers)
- 381 Scorpionfish
- 299 Searobins
- 191 Seatrout, weakfish (East coast)
- 192 Seatrout, silver
- 195 Seatrout, sand (Gulf coast)
- 197 Shad, American
- 461 Shad, gizzard
- 478 Shark, Atlantic sharpnose
- 476 Shark, blacknose
- 477 Shark, blacktip
- 479 Shark, bonnethead
- 481 Shark, bull
- 482 Shark, finetooth
- 485 Shark, hammerhead
- 487 Shark, lemon
- 489 Shark, mako, shortfin
- 491 Shark, sandbar
- 492 Shark, silky
- 496 Shark, spinner
- 493 Shark, thresher
- 495 Shark, tiger
- 199 Shark, mixed
- 497 Shark, other
- 200 Shark Fins
- 426 Snapper, Caribbean red
- 218 Snapper, mixed***
- 217 Snapper, other***
- 452 Spadefish
- 225 Spot
- 228 Spot (numbers)
- 120 Squirrelfish (razors)
- 179 Tilapia ("Nile Perch")
- 234 Triggerfish* **
- 463 Tilefish, anchor
- 465 Tilefish, blackline
- 467 Tilefish, goldface
- 233 Tilefish, blueline (gray)
- 469 Tilefish, sand
- 240 Tuna, albacore
- 235 Tuna, bigeye
- 237 Tuna, blackfin
- 239 Tuna, bluefin
- 241 Tuna, skipjack
- 243 Tuna, yellowfin
- 244 Tuna, mixed
- 111 Tunny, little ("bonito")
- 112 Tunny, little ("bonito", numbers)
- 405 Wreckfish
- 406 Wreckfish roe (red/white roe only, lbs)
- 251 Miscellaneous Food Fish***
- 253 Miscellaneous Industrial Fish***
- 309 Clams, ungraded (gallons)
- 308 Clams, ungraded (numbers)
- 256 Clams, littlenecks (numbers)
- 257 Clams, middlenecks (numbers)
- 258 Clams, topneck (numbers)
- 259 Clams, cherry (numbers)
- 261 Clams, chowder (numbers)
- 301 Clams, sunray venus
- 370 Clams (lbs in shell)
- 314 Conch (whelk, helmet)
- 448 Crab, bait (calico; lesser blue; other; numbers)***
- 324 Crab, golden
- 364 Crab, horseshoe (numbers)
- 368 Crab, Jonah
- 352 Crab, land (blue; numbers)
- 360 Crab, mole (sand flea)
- 369 Crab, mole (sand flea; numbers)
- 366 Crab, red
- 350 Crab, spider
- 367 Jellyfish
- 319 Lobster, Spanish (dozers)
- 320 Lobster, Spanish (dozers; tails)
- 362 Mussels
- 316 Mussels, green
- 302 Oysters (lbs in shell)
- 303 Oysters (bushels, sacks)
- 304 Oysters (lbs of meat)
- 305 Oysters (gallons)
- 307 Oysters (barrels)
- 269 Scallops, calico (bags, bushels)
- 313 Scallops, calico (gallons)
- 267 Scallops, calico (lbs of meat)
- 271 Scallops, calico (lbs in shell)
- 462 Scallops, other
- 339 Shrimp, rock (heads off)
- 340 Shrimp, rock (heads on)
- 341 Shrimp, royal red (heads off)
- 342 Shrimp, royal red (heads on)
- 343 Shrimp, other (heads off)***
- 344 Shrimp, other (heads on)***
- 355 Sponge, grass (numbers)
- 353 Sponge, sheepswool (numbers)
- 357 Sponge, yellow (numbers)
- 359 Sponge, other (numbers) *
- 351 Crustaceans, mixed
- 361 Miscellaneous Invertebrates
- 349 Octopus
- 347 Squid
Restricted Food and Bait Species Codes
All units are in pounds unless otherwise noted.
- 103 R Amberjack, greater
- 415 R Amberjack, lesser
- 107 R Bluefish
- 113 R Cobia
- 321 R Crab, blue (hard)
- 322 R Crab, blue (hard, numbers)
- 323 R Crab, blue (soft, numbers)
- 325 R Crab, stone (jumbo claws)
- 327 R Crab, stone (large claws)
- 329 R Crab, stone (medium claws)
- 331 R Crab, stone (small claws)
- 332 R Crab, stone (ungraded, green claws)
- 121 R Dolphin
- 123 R Drum, black
- 291 R Flounder, Gulf
- 292 R Flounder, southern
- 293 R Flounder, summer
- 127 R Flounder, other
- 131 R Grouper, black (carberita)
- 431 R Grouper, coney
- 133 R Grouper, gag
- 433 R Grouper, graysby
- 439 R Grouper, hind, red ("strawberry")
- 441 R Grouper, hind, rock
- 443 R Grouper, hind, speckled (Kitty Mitchell)
- 437 R Grouper, misty
- 137 R Grouper, red
- 139 R Grouper, scamp
- 141 R Grouper, snowy
- 445 R Grouper, tiger
- 143 R Grouper, warsaw
- 145 R Grouper, yellowedge
- 147 R Grouper, yellowfin (="fireback")
- 447 R Grouper, yellowmouth
- 155 R Hogfish ("Hog Snapper")
- 416 R Jack, almaco
- 473 R Jack, almaco (cores)
- 317 R Lobster, spiny (whole)
- 318 R Lobster, spiny (tails)
- 165 R Mackerel, king
- 219 R Mackerel, Spanish
- 186 R Mackerel, Spanish (numbers)
- 172 R Mullet, fingerling
- 174 R Mullet, fingerling (numbers)
- 175 R Mullet, black (striped, liza)
- 176 R Mullet, black, roe, red (lbs of fish)
- 178 R Mullet, black, roe, white (lbs of fish)
- 475 R Mullet, black, roe (roe only)
- 177 R Mullet, silver
- 470 R Mullet, silver (numbers)
- 181 R Permit
- 183 R Pompano, Florida
- 458 R Pompano, African
- 379 R Porgy, red
- 414 R Rudderfish, banded ("amberina")
- 281 R Sea bass, bank
- 283 R Sea bass, black
- 285 R Sea bass, rock
- 189 R Sea bass, mixed
- 193 R Seatrout, spotted
- 201 R Sheepshead
- 345 R Shrimp, bait (numbers)
- 346 R Shrimp, bait
- 337 R Shrimp, brown (heads off)
- 338 R Shrimp, brown (heads on)
- 333 R Shrimp, pink (heads off)
- 334 R Shrimp, pink (heads on)
- 335 R Shrimp, white (heads off)
- 336 R Shrimp, white (heads on)
- 418 R Snapper, black
- 419 R Snapper, blackfin (hambone)
- 420 R Snapper, cubera
- 421 R Snapper, dog
- 205 R Snapper, grey (mangrove)
- 203 R Snapper, lane
- 423 R Snapper, mahogany
- 207 R Snapper, mutton
- 425 R Snapper, queen (ballbat)
- 427 R Snapper, schoolmaster
- 211 R Snapper, silk (yellow-eye)
- 213 R Snapper, vermilion (b-liner)
- 429 R Snapper, wenchman
- 215 R Snapper, yellowtail
- 229 R Swordfish
- 449 R Tripletail
- 231 R Tilefish (golden)
- 233 R Tilefish, blueline (gray)
- 234 R Triggerfish, gray
- 245 R Wahoo
Marine Life Food and Bait Species Codes
- 450 M Angelfish
- 277 M Eel, moray
- 451 M Parrotfish
- 279 M Surgeonfish
- 363 M Sea Cucumbers
- 365 M Sea Urchins