FWC Applicant Disqualifier List
Criminal History
- Any felony conviction
- A misdemeanor conviction involving domestic violence
- A misdemeanor conviction involving perjury or a false statement
Military History
- A dishonorable discharge from any of the Armed Forces of the United States
Controlled Substance Abuse
- Marijuana use in past two years
- Controlled substances use, other than marijuana, in the past five years
Driving History
- Driving under the influence (DUI) or boating under the influence (BUI) within the past five years
- Any traffic violation involving the refusal to submit to a breath/blood/urine test within past five years
- No more than four moving violations within the past three years
Prior Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers
- Any sustained internal investigation for perjury or false statements
Vision Not Meeting the Following Standards
- Unaided vision shall not be less than 20/100 in each eye and shall be corrected to 20/20
- Field of vision must be 130 degrees
- Must have the ability to distinguish primary colors (must not be red/green deficient) and have binocular vision
- Must not have double vision, lack of depth perception or other chronic eye disorders that affects normal vision