Kids' Saltwater Fishing Clinics
Saltwater Fishing Clinics
Kids' Saltwater Fishing Clinics are run by partners who host clinic events throughout Florida. Contact if you are interested in hosting a clinic and are seeking publications from FWC.
Interested groups may view our Kid's Fishing Clinic Protocol for information on how to structure these one-day, shore-based events designed to create responsible marine resource stewards by teaching youth the vulnerability of Florida's marine ecosystems. In addition, clinics teach fundamental saltwater fishing skills and provide youth with a positive fishing experience.

Fishing Skill Stations
These are the recommended saltwater fishing stations that event coordinators can run at their Kids' Fishing Clinic. Through these stations youth will learn basic fishing skills and be educated on important topics such as ethical angling, conservation of Florida's marine fisheries, and safety practices while fishing.
Knot Tying
Participants will learn and practice basic fishing knots, such as an Improved Clinch Knot and Uni-Knot with the use of a large hook or sinker and rope. The importance of safety around sharp objects used when fishing, like knives and hooks, will also be discussed with participants.
Fishing Tackle and Gear
Participants will be exposed to a variety of common rods, reels, and tackle with explanations on how each kind is used. Important items to have in a tackle box, such as pliers and dehooking tools, as well as other safety measures such as first aid, un protection, hats, and sunglasses will also be discussed. Other topics include the benefits of a dehooker and knotless rubber landing net.
This station is designed for participants to learn the basics of casting and will be taught how to cast safely through mock casting practice using hula hoops. They will also learn new safety tips regarding rod tip placement and having awareness of their surroundings.
Good Angler!
Participants will learn about the importance of being an ethical angler and best fishing practices, such as having a valid fishing license, how to identify local fish species, and how to handle fish.
This station will introduce participants to the importance of habitats, respecting wildlife, and what the local habitat they may experience when fishing in Florida.
After approximately one hour of instruction, most clinics provide the opportunity to fish. And when you go fishing, please remember to Stash the Trash!
Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network
The Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network (FYCCN) offers fishing clinics, fishing camps, and other activities through various partner locations around Florida. FYCCN aims to uphold Florida's outdoor heritage by educating and empowering Florida's youth and educators with outdoor know-how and conservation concepts.
Contact for more information.
Outdoor Weekend Learning Seminars
The FWC now offers Outdoor Weekend Learning Seminars (O.W.L.S.) designed to provide women, youth and families with hands-on opportunities to learn how to safely and responsibly enjoy fishing, paddling, camping, shooting sports, and other outdoor activities. These seminars are for people who want to learn new outdoor skills or build on their existing ones. They are also a great opportunity to meet others who enjoy the outdoors!
Contact for more information.