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All State Wildlife Grant recipients should adhere to Florida’s State Wildlife Grants Report Guidelines during preparation of project reports. Please contact Katherine Brock with any questions or for further clarification.

Projects funded by the Commission, including but not limited to survey, monitoring, research, or management projects, shall provide data as part of the deliverables. Due to the varied nature of funded projects, data deliverables will vary on a case by case basis. The below information is meant as guidance. Specific project data deliverables will be included in all approved proposals from 2018 forward.

Principal investigators will be required to submit a minimum of ten (10) digital images with a resolution of at least 360 dpi with the final report. If the project has before and after components, 5 sets of before and after comparison images would be ideal. Funds for film and processing to complete this requirement may be requested in the project budget. Images or slides should depict various aspects of the project, including the procedures employed and the species involved. Digital images may be used in Commission presentations and publications and are helpful in sharing State Wildlife Grant “success stories.”

In Program-funded projects that have spatial components, spatial files should be included in the project data deliverables (e.g. prescribed burns, seagrass mapping). In most cases, spatial data should be submitted in polygon or closed polygon feature shapefile(s) (.shp) with a projection in WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_16N (or 17N) or NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N (or 17N) format. If satellite images were acquired for the project, those images should be provided as well.

Database(s) for all project raw data will be required as part of the project deliverables. Project data forms and proposed database formats should be reviewed with Commission staff at the project’s inception. Upon project completion, principal investigators shall submit legible copies of their project data forms and a copy of their database(s) containing data. Databases must be stored in an acceptable file format. The latest version of Microsoft Excel is preferred, but other quarriable formats are acceptable. Use of other formats must be approved by the Program Coordinator. Where applicable, minimal data fields for datasets will be determined during project development and included in the approved project proposal for clarification purposes. Typical data fields will include date, time, observer, species observations, and locality information (e.g. latitude and longitude and mapping datum).

Projects that focus on procuring existing data resources must provide a resource directory summarizing the source files procured for analysis.  The directory will include the name of the source file, the ‘use’ status of the file in relation to final project analysis (used vs. not used), a web link to the most current version of the source file (if available), the contact information of the person providing the source file, and the sensitivity status of the source file. Non-original data resources collected for use in analysis should be delivered in both the format in which they were obtained as well as in the format in which they were converted for analysis (if conversion was necessary).  In all cases, the version of the mined dataset that was used in the final analysis is the version of the dataset that is to be provided with the final project deliverables. 

If the project produces notable species observations, Commission staff will transfer project data into the appropriate Commission database. The Data Management staff may spot-check entries for accuracy, as well as spot-check latitude/longitude coordinates. Questions about data entry will be referred back to the principal investigator for clarification or justification. While observing species, if effects of disturbance may be possible, data should include causes and effects of disturbance.

Metadata must be created and maintained for each database. Metadata answers the who, what, where, when and how of data collection. Metadata should conform to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) guidance. Commission grantees from the Division of Habitat and Species Conservation and the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute are required to input metadata information for completed projects into MetaRep. Non-Commission grantees will use FWC’s MetaRep Metadata Tool Form and submit the form as part of the project data deliverables. If you have not been provided a copy of FWC’s Metadata Tool Form, please contact the Program Coordinator.

Many Program-funded projects include heavy partnership/collaborator participation, for example workshops and/or trainings. In such cases, directories for partner participants/attendees may be required as part of the project data deliverables.

Any publications (e.g. technical reports, transcripts, journals, manuscripts, and/or white paper) produced during the project period should be included in project data deliverables. If publications occur outside of the project period, the Program requests that they be submitted for inclusion in project files. Presentations, meeting flyers, posters, etc. for projects that include outreach events and/or workshops may also be requested.

Projects that develop or enhance websites must provide a directory of web pages that were created or modified.  The directory must include, at a minimum, the following fields: URL, Content State (Static or Dynamic), Page History (New or Modified), and site map. Projects that create interactive web application must provide a directory of files that are comprised within the Application.