Lake Management Plans

The FWC is charged as the lead agency for managing fish and wildlife, and their habitats, on Florida’s aquatic resources. Therefore, the agency is refining a process to develop specific Management Plans for high priority waterbodies that will focus on the management of fish, wildlife and habitat. The development of these management plans will allow for local stakeholders and FWC staff to jointly craft management targets and approaches that will ensure the long-term well-being of these resources and their benefit to people. The FWC encourages people to be a part of this process and provide input on lakes in their area.
Lake Management Final Plans
Lake Management Plans in Development
Frequently Asked Questions
Lake Management Plans are comprehensive, covering the management of a system’s fish, wildlife and habitat. They are designed to ensure management of fish and wildlife for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people.
Plans will cover management activities within the FWC’s jurisdiction while providing recommendations to partner agencies on items outside of that jurisdiction, such as water levels and quality. FWC management activities may include but are not limited to:
- Habitat protection, restoration and enhancement (e.g. conducting prescribed burns, planting native vegetation).
- Fish management (e.g. species regulations, fish stocking, nonnative species control).
- Invasive plant management (e.g. herbicide treatments, biological controls and mechanical removal).
The FWC’s mission is to manage fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people. In order to accomplish this mission, the FWC needs to actively listen to stakeholders and incorporate their input into the plans’ strategic management actions.
It isn't too late to get involved in the management of these lakes. While the plans are complete, they are meant to inform annual work plans and guide ongoing stakeholder involvement.
Visit the web page for Lake Okeechobee, the Harris Chain of Lakes or the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes and click "email us" to get in touch with a biologist and learn more about how you can get involved.
Yes. Public feedback is a critical part of our development process for these management plans. We will use this information to ensure the waterbodies are managed in a way that meets the needs of the pubic while providing quality habitat for fish and wildlife.
Yes. Throughout the planning process, we will continue to work with interested stakeholder groups to get input on management activities and to share information regarding ongoing lake management projects with the public.
As current Lake Management Plans are completed, the FWC will continue to additional plans. Check this website for updates.
Our Promise to Stakeholders
We promise to provide opportunities for stakeholders to provide input into development of Lake Management Plans. We promise to consider all stakeholder input and recommendations for lake management goals, objectives, and actions. We promise to address and balance, where feasible, the needs of all stakeholder groups and FWC management guidelines for the lake.
We are committed to a Management Plan that consists of stakeholder supported management actions that are within our jurisdiction and the we will make the final decisions on content of the plan.
What's Happening on My Lake?
Your go-to source for information on Florida lakes.