Florida Vessel Turn-In Program

The Florida Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) allows owners who have received a written citation or warning for their at-risk vessel to apply to have their unwanted vessel removed from Florida waters and destroyed at no cost to the owner. The costs of removing, destroying and disposing of eligible VTIP vessels are 100% funded by this program.
Unwanted, at-risk vessels are more likely to become derelict and thus pose a risk to public safety and the environment. In addition, a derelict vessel is more expensive to remove and incurs criminal liability for the owner. The Florida VTIP allows for vessels to be removed before reaching this critical point.
This program awards VTIP removals on a first come, first served basis. FWC accepts applications on a continuous basis until available funding has been exhausted or the program ends, whichever occurs first.
Private citizens and businesses are eligible for the Florida VTIP. The vessel must be free of all liens or other claims of ownership, and the applicant must be the titled owner of the vessel.
Before getting started, review the applicant checklist.
- Download and complete the Florida VTIP application. Do not leave any box blank.
- Attach proof (copy) of title that lists the Florida VTIP applicant as the titled owner of the vessel, any at-risk citations the owner has received for the vessel, copy of applicant’s valid government issued ID and photos of the vessel. These documents must be in PDF, JPEG or WORD format.
- Attach the completed and signed VTIP Waiver and Release form.
- Confirm all information provided on the application is accurate and complete.
- Email the application and required supporting documents to VTIP@myfwc.com. You will receive confirmation that your application has been received within five business days. If you do not receive confirmation, verify the application email address was input correctly.
- If any information on the application changes before receiving your application decision, inform the FWC immediately by contacting our office at 850-488-5600 or emailing VTIP@myfwc.com.
- FWC staff will notify vessel owner(s) in writing via email or mail if their application has been approved or denied upon receipt and review of all necessary documents required to apply.
- If accepted, the FWC will mail the owner a self-addressed stamped envelope to submit their JUNKED title to the FWC program office. The junked title submitted at this stage must be the original, NOT a copy. See an example of a junked title.
- The titled owner must convert their title to JUNKED by marking in pen or marker the word JUNKED across the face of the vessel title. The titled owner must then sign and date directly above the word “JUNKED.”
- The owner will then place the JUNKED title into the self-addressed, postage paid envelope and mail it to:
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Boating and Waterways, Attn: VTIP
620 S. Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
4. Once the JUNKED title has been received by the program staff, the removal project for the vessel will be awarded and the applicant notified of additional steps in the process.
Contact Information
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Boating and Waterways, Attn: VTIP
620 S. Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Email: VTIP@MyFWC.com