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Waterway Markers

The FWC is responsible for properly marking boating restricted areas and manatee protection zones implemented under its authority. Boating and Waterways staff regularly inspect and maintain FWC waterway markers. They also assess marker locations and plan updates to improve public awareness and vessel operator compliance. When regulations are updated, staff coordinate necessary adjustments to the placement of waterway markers for the zones.

Red and Green channel markers are managed by the United States Coast Guard.

Permits for Placing Florida Uniform Waterway Markers (FUWM)

For municipalities, counties or other governmental entities to place any safety, regulatory and/or informational marker in, on or over the waters or shores of the state, please apply for a permit from the Boating and Waterways Section within the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Ch. 327.40. Florida Statutes).

The FUWM Permit is contingent upon the permit holder receiving authorization from the submerged landowner, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Please reach out to FDEP and USACE for authorization, in conjunction with submitting the FUWM Permit application. Authorization from USCG will be approved in conjunction with the USACE permit application.

Process for Creating Boating Restricted Areas

Boating Restricted Areas are created through one of two processes. Please select the appropriate application process based on which subsection of 327.46 F.S., is being used as justification for zone establishment.

  1. For regulatory zones established pursuant to 327.46(1)(b)F.S., or informational markers, please download the Florida Uniform Waterway Marker (FUWM) Permit application checklist and the Marker Data Form and submit them to
  2. Find information for the process related to regulatory zones established pursuant to 327.46(1)(c)F.S. 

Associated Rules and Regulations for Placing FUWM

For more information, visit:

  • 327.46 F.S.
  • F.A.C. Rule 68-D and navigate to: 
    • 68D-21 - Approval of Local Ordinances Establishing Boating Restricted Areas.
    • 68D-23 - Uniform Waterway Markers in Florida Waters.