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Stash the Trash

The FWC reminds you to:

Stash the trash and protect Florida's fish and wildlife.

Discover the Dangers of Aquatic Debris

Each day debris intentionally or accidently ends up in Florida’s lakes, waterways and marine environments. There is no body of water that does not experience this problem. Bottles, cans, plastic bags and Styrofoam containers and other trash wash in from storm drains and recreational activities on the water and shoreline activities. This unsightly debris is a threat to our fish and wildlife, navigational safety, and to human health.

Growing attention is being placed on the potential health effects to humans from the build-up of microscopic plastic in our food chain. The effects on birds, fish, reptiles and mammals are already well documented. Animals mistake debris for food and ingest it. Over time these items can build up in the digestive system, causing health issues and even death. Entanglement in plastic bags, fishing line or other trash also leads to infection, limb amputation, starvation and death. 

Learn How to Prevent Impacts of Aquatic Debris

The tragic impacts of aquatic debris are largely preventable. Boaters can be part of the solution by following these steps: