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February 2025

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission) is committed to providing opportunity for public input at each Commission meeting. The Commission is offering the opportunity for stakeholders to provide their comments in advance as well as in person. For in-person comments, please review the speaker registration guidelines at Advance comments were due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 21. If you would like to provide comments via mail, please send those comments to the following address:

FWC Commissioners
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

To ensure adequate time to address the business needs of the Commission, there will be no more than two (2) hours of public comment on items not on the agenda at this meeting. Public comment on items not on the agenda will be heard at the end of Day 2, February 27. The deadline for registration to speak on items not on the agenda is 10:00 a.m. on February 27. For items not on the agenda, the Chair reserves the right to reduce the amount of time per speaker or the total number of speakers. To provide comments on items not on the agenda in advance, stakeholders can contact commissioners directly at

The Chair may opt to take action on any agenda item presented, even those listed as staff reports. Agenda items may be re-ordered or moved by the Chairman to accommodate scheduling issues. To accommodate as much input as possible from those attending, the Chair reserves the right to designate the amount of time given to an agenda item or speaker(s). The meeting may include fact-finding field trips to learn about management and enforcement activities.

If any person decides to challenge any decision with respect to any matter considered at the meeting, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes testimony and evidence upon which the challenge is based.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting should notify the agency at least 10 calendar days before the meeting by calling 850-488-6411 or contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service at 800-955-8771 (TDD) or 800-955-8770 (Voice), if you are hearing or speech impaired. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility, or if you need more information, contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at: FWC, Office of Human Resources, 620 S Meridian Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399, 850-488-6411. Or write to: Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Civil Rights, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.

*Please be aware agenda items may be reordered, moved to a different day, or rescheduled to a later meeting pursuant to s. 120.525, FS.*


8:30 a.m., Wednesday, February 26.

  1. Call to Order
    1. Call to Order
    2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Administrative Matters
    1. Approve December 2024 Commission Meeting Minutes
    2. Approve Regular Meeting Agenda
    3. Approve Consent Agenda
      Details for all consent agenda items are listed at the end of this document. Any questions about a consent agenda item should be addressed to agency staff prior to the Commission meeting. Any item not approved as part of the consent agenda may be moved to the regular agenda or postponed at the discretion of the Chairman.
  3. Executive Director’s Report
  4. Awards and Recognition
    1. Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida Annual Awards


  1. Staff Reports
    1. Federal Congressional Update. Staff will provide an update on fisheries and wildlife legislation before the U.S. Congress.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Summary Memo | Presentation
    2. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Update. FKNMS released the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Restoration Blueprint on December 13, 2024. Staff will provide a review and discussion on the status of regulatory changes for the FKNMS, including recent updates and next steps for the FKNMS Final Rule and management agreements, including the Protocol for Cooperative Fisheries Management.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
    3. Oyster Updates. Staff will provide a report on Florida’s oysters. This presentation will include an overview of monitoring efforts, the condition of the oyster resource, regulations and management, the commercial fishery, stakeholder engagement, and recent restoration initiatives.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 1 hour.
      Summary Memo | Presentation


  1. Items Requiring Action
    1. Final Rules – Hunting Rules for 2025 – 2026. Staff will present final rule amendments to revise select statewide hunting regulations and specific area regulations on wildlife management areas, wildlife and environmental areas, and miscellaneous areas to accomplish management objectives. Additionally, staff will be seeking approval for two amendments that would (1) establish updated camping rules on the J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area and (2) expand the youth spring turkey season on lands outside the WMA System from 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) to 4 days (Friday through Monday). These will be published as a notice of change and a final proposed rule, respectively. Detailed proposed rule language is provided in background documents for this item.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68A-4.001 | 68A-12.002 | 68A-12.003 | 68A-13.004 | 68A-13.007 | 68A-15.004 | 68A-15.005 | 68A-15.006 | 68A-15.061 | 68A-15.062 | 68A-15.063 | 68A-15.064 | 68A-15.064 NOC | 68A-15.065 | 68A-17.004 | 68A-17.005
    2. Proposed Final Rule – Antlerless Deer Harvest. Staff will present proposed final rule amendments to Rule 68A-13.004, F.A.C., to establish additional antlerless deer hunting days in Deer Management Unit (DMU) B1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, D1, and D2 and change the seasonal bag limit in DMU D2 to allow for the take of up to 3 antlerless deer as part of the 5 deer seasonal limit. No changes to the number of antlerless deer hunting days are proposed for DMU A1, A2, and A3. Detailed proposed rule language is provided in background documents for this item.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Note: Staff is requesting Commission approval to advertise the proposed rule and file for adoption as soon as possible. If the rule is approved for both advertisement and final adoption, Commission staff will file the rule for adoption as allowed by s. 120.54(3) Florida Statutes, without further public hearing.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68A-13.004
    3. Proposed Rules – Nassau and Duval Counties Inshore Shrimp Fishing. In May 2024, the Commission received requests from stakeholders to consider regulation changes for inshore shrimp fishing in northeast Florida. Staff have investigated these requests and gathered additional feedback from stakeholders to develop a recommendation for proposed rule changes to 68B-31.004 and 68B-31.008, F.A.C., that would provide additional shrimp harvest opportunities in northeast Florida. Staff’s recommendation includes an increase of the dead shrimp allowance for live bait harvesters in Nassau and Duval counties to match the dead shrimp allowance elsewhere in Florida as well as seasonally opening a portion of Pumpkin Hill Creek, a tributary of the Nassau River, to both commercial and recreational shrimp harvest.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68B-31.004 | 68B-31.005 | 68B-31.008
  2. Staff Reports
    1. Gulf Council Report. Staff will report on actions and discussions from the Gulf Council’s January 27-30 meeting. Expected topics will include red snapper, lane snapper, several grouper species, mackerel and other topics relevant to Florida.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Summary Memo | Presentation
    2. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) Report. Staff will provide an update on NOAA Fisheries Secretarial Amendment to end overfishing of red snapper in South Atlantic federal waters.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Summary Memo | Presentation
  3. Recess Wednesday’s portion of the meeting no later than 5:00 p.m.

8:30 a.m., Thursday, February 27.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Items Requiring Action
    1. Proposed Final Rule – Updates for Largemouth Bass and Florida Bass. Staff seek approval of proposed rule amendments related to the Northern Largemouth Bass conditional species designation and incorporating the name Florida Bass into rule based on a recent change in taxonomic classification.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes.
      Note: Staff is requesting Commission approval to advertise the proposed rule and file for adoption as soon as possible. If the rule is approved for both advertisement and final adoption, Commission staff will file the rule for adoption as allowed by s. 120.54(3) Florida Statutes, without further public hearing.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68A-1.004 | 68-5.004 | 68A-9.003 | 68A-15.061 | 68A-23.005 | 68A-23.009 | Genetics Background Document | Special Activity Permit Background Document
    2. Proposed Final Rules – Regulations Governing Hunt Preserves and Game Farms. Staff will present final rule language for 68A-12.010 and 68A-12.011 to clarify, update, and change requirements for Private Hunting Preserves and Game Farms. Changes include enclosure requirements, dissolution requirements, record keeping requirements, and requirements relating to escaped wildlife among others.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 1 hour.
      Note: Staff is requesting Commission approval to advertise the proposed rule and file for adoption as soon as possible. If the rule is approved for both advertisement and final adoption, Commission staff will file the rule for adoption as allowed by s. 120.54(3) Florida Statutes, without further public hearing.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68A-1.004 | 68A-4.0052 | 68A-12.006 | 68A-12.010 | 68A-12.011
    3. Proposed Final Rule – Palm Beach County Boating Restricted Area. Staff will present final rule language for 68D-24.017 to establish a boating restricted area slow speed zone in Palm Beach County. The proposed rule will establish a slow speed minimum wake zone within a portion of the Intracoastal Waterway locally known as “Jupiter Narrows” in Palm Beach County. This zone will extend north approximately 2,225 feet north of the existing zone at Cato’s Bridge to the demarcation line shown in a recent vessel traffic study where significant risk due to channel width is shown. The resulting slow speed minimum wake zone will be in effect year-round.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 1 hour.
      Note: Staff is requesting Commission approval to advertise the proposed rule and file for adoption as soon as possible. If the rule is approved for both advertisement and final adoption, Commission staff will file the rule for adoption as allowed by s. 120.54(3) Florida Statutes, without further public hearing.
      Summary Memo | Presentation | 68D-24.017
  3. Staff Reports
    1. Update on Bat Conservation and Outreach. Staff will present on FWC’s Bat Conservation Program, which oversees statewide long-term monitoring, research, disease surveillance, and outreach. Outreach activities are coordinated through the Florida Bat Force, a newly developed strategy. Staff partner with numerous organizations and volunteers to promote public involvement in bat conservation and to monitor Florida’s 13 resident bat species and their habitats statewide. This update will highlight program goals, partnerships and collaborations, and the outreach tools that contribute to the program’s success.
      Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 30 minutes. (This item may be moved to day 1 or postponed).
      Summary Memo | Presentation


  1. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
    Public comment on this agenda item will be limited to no more than 2 hours.
  2. Future Agenda Items
  3. Commissioner Exchange
  4. Adjournment
    The next Commission Meeting is scheduled for May 21-22, 2025, commencing at 8:30 a.m. each day.

Consent Agenda

Any questions about consent agenda items should be addressed to agency staff prior to the Commission meeting.

  1. Final Rule – Levy County Manatee Protection Zones (68C-22.011 F.A.C.). Staff will seek approval of final rules to modify Manatee Protection Zones located near the mouth of the Withlacoochee River in Levy County. The changes would address manatee protection, enforcement concerns and boater safety in the area. Detailed final rules with maps are provided in the background documents for this item.
    Summary Memo | 68C-22.011 | Background Document
  2. Proposed Final Rule – Federal consistency for 12 species. Staff will seek approval to update Florida Endangered and Threatened Species List to maintain consistency with federal listing determinations or scientific names for 12 species. Two species, the Barbour’s map turtle (currently State-designated Threatened) and Escambia map turtle (currently not listed) will be updated to Federally-designated Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance. Four species will be updated to Federally-designated Threatened, including the Suwannee alligator snapping turtle (currently State-designated Threatened), red-cockaded woodpecker (currently Federally-designated Endangered), oceanic whitetip shark and queen conch (both currently with no status). Two species will be added to the Federally-designated Endangered list: the black-capped petrel (currently no status) and pillar coral (currently Federally-designated Threatened). One species, the Bachman’s warbler, will be removed from the list due to extinction. Additionally, staff will seek approval to update names for 3 species: scientific names of Audubon’s crested caracara, Cape Sable seaside sparrow, and the common and scientific names of the Rice’s whale. If approved, staff will publish a Notice of Proposed Rule for Rules 68A-27.003, Florida Administrative Code.
    Note: Staff is requesting Commission approval to advertise the proposed rules and file for adoption as soon as possible. If the rules are approved for final adoption, Commission staff will file the rules as allowed by s. 120.54(3), Florida Statutes, without further public hearing.
    Summary Memo | 68A-27.003
  3. Wildlife Management Area Establishment. Staff will seek approval to establish two new Wildlife Management Areas: Deep Creek WMA (St. Johns County) and Rice Creek WMA (Putnam County). With the Commission’s approval, staff will execute Establishment Orders under the delegation of authority to the Executive Director to add them to the WMA System. Upon execution, the WMAs will be open to access and hunting beginning with the 2025-26 season. Draft Establishment Orders are provided in background documents for this item.
    Summary Memo


Any Agenda item changes shall be made pursuant to s. 120.525, FS.